48-49 “If you work the words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who dug deep and laid the foundation of his house on bedrock. When the river burst its banks and crashed against the house, nothing could shake it; it was built to last. But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don’t work them into your life, you are like a dumb carpenter who built a house but skipped the foundation. When the swollen river came crashing in, it collapsed like a house of cards. It was a total loss.”
Luke 6 MSG
The wind and rain attack without end . The tempest roars. Will I survive the buffet against my inner walls?
This mental and soul filled storm is the reality of nothing less than an inner hurricane. Chaotic thoughts, being tossed to and fro, wondering whether peace will ever be a day to day experience again. Does this sound familiar? It can happen anytime. An attack can come when you put yourself on the line in a risky situation. You open yourself us to a new situation and with the fervor deep inside the answer comes out in a dynamic “YES”.
You take the steps trusting the task ahead will be fulfilled in the way you envision when suddenly, something happens. The bottom falls out. The sweet dreams you felt would become tangible are now crumbling before your eyes. The solid victory you could plainly see as a way to glorify God has turned sour in the storm. The wind, crashing waves make you wonder “Did I make the correct decision?”. Feelings of utter hopelessness and failure cause tears to flow.
The apostles made a decision and said YES to follow a a very Special Man. This Man had the words of Life giving them the hope and confidence He was the Messiah mentioned in the Old Scriptures. He was the One to bring the salvation and freedom. Now their hopes were dashed as they saw Him hanging on a cross. The words given to them of hope, peace, everlasting joy were now turning into streams of blood flowing down a wracked body. Their Friend was dying.
Suddenly the words come, “ It Is Finished” !
The world shakes. The temple curtain is ripped from top to bottom and :
How does one handle the quiet?
Jesus follower’s were crushed under the weight of this pain. They did not know three days would be the end of their Silence. They longed for a touch and release. They were empty. Was there a small thread they held on to?
Resurrection Sunday came. The Hallelujah He has risen broke the silence. The true freedom their hearts longed for had been released.
With the strength and peace of the Holy Spirit, we walk in days full victory and freedom. As creatives, we can hear God’s heartbeat to express what He is saying in a very unique way. We are able to receive His heart to join in the dance.
A creative is very sensitive. We receive and want to flow as a gift from His heart.
A storm rises. A choice is made which may put my feet on the water. I begin to sink.
Questions flare about:
- Inadequacy.
- Comparison with other creativity.
- Who reads my posts?
- Am I wasting my time doing this creative stuff?
- Creativity is for everyone else but not for me.
Despair, fear and emotional challenges becomes so great I cry out :
“What do you want me to do? GIVE UP? I will if that is what You want.”
The choices in the times of emptiness and loneliness will determine the future of my walk. God never leaves. He may be silent. The Joy of His presence may not be obvious. He allows me to cry. Does that mean I am to quit Worshiping through Creativity? His promises are always true even when the dreams and paths turn out differently than anticipated.
God is Faithful.
As creatives who worship, the enemy will try to use our gifts to shake our foundation. As we write, when we create story through photography and art, it is all a reflection of our heart to worship our Creator. The enemy will use the storm to attack our foundation. The enemy will also use silence and times of the unknown and darkness to rattle our foundation.
Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you.
Galatians 5:1 MSG
In the storm and the silence, the foundation built on the intimacy and love of Jesus will weather your life in truth.
You are not alone!
Feel free to share your struggles in this walk of creativity and worship. All of life is creative worship.
His promises are always true even when the dreams and paths turn out differently than anticipated.
That’s really good! And, surprisingly, easy to forget!
Thanks for your encouragement! Xx
It is not always easy to keep a steady walk.. He is always with us when the steps get weird. He sees what we do not. That is where the strength. lies. 🙂