Does your Art reflect your Heart?
While doing my workout one day, I was listening to a podcast by one of my favorite authors., Emily P. Freeman. It was Never Say Anything Bad About God. As I was listening, I heard some great tools for this post. (Catch her podcast too.) This is a time of new beginnings and possible questions. So here is another question for you: As you create- Does your art reflect your heart?

First, before you answer that question, relax and read the title of Emily’s podcast again VERY SLOWLY. Stop and ponder the phrase “Don’t say anything bad about God”. Go over your work from last year and your life from 2019. When you close you eyes and consider what was expressed, what did it say about God? Even if you did not create a sacred piece, what did it say about your heart? Although some reading this may discount themselves from the creative world because they do not paint or write, please don’t. All create because all are part of God’s Creation.
Mainly, just think about your art, your life and how it reflects your heart. Allow a short time to:
- RECEIVE the phrase
- REFLECT upon the phrase
- RESPOND to what you received.
Creativity is expressing life received.
I could just as easily have used the word worship. Each minute, each second is a connected, created time of worship and to worship. Does this flow into a rhythm of life for you? What does it reflect about you?
Bringing God into the Rest of Your Week
Did you bring God into the rest of your week? Remember there is no difference between the engagement with God on Sunday and the rest of the week . How did that work? Was it easy? Or do the good intentions of keeping God connected in life past Sunday seem impossible? No shame, it can be rough! God is still connected on His end with everything you do. He loves your creativity
Do not fear or worry. Tomorrow, face the army and trust that the Eternal is with you 2 Chronicles 20: 17b

For there to be a two way conversation, a choice needs to be made. In fact, in order for the life changing event to occur, the choice will need to occur daily. .
What is the BIG CHOICE?
The choice is to daily set time for hearing God and developing a natural conversational relationship with Him, (Hearing God by Dallas Willard) (Emily suggested his books in her podcast.) It is important to realize the choice and time is yours. Although, consider the possibilities as a creative artist if your listen. For example make time to actually :
:whenever you are going to create? In addition to the weekend service, develop the intimate relationship that draws you close before you create. Include items such as your fears, your dreams, and listen to His Heart. Whenever you start the time of sharing your thoughts on the screen, go to the Creator first for a short time and engage. Give yourself permission to develop that ongoing relationship (it is safe), Then, as you create, your art will reflect what is in your heart.
What is in your heart?
As you look at the creativity that is expressed, what are the messages flowing from it’s platform? First, when you hand it over to the world, are you happy with the gift you are sharing? In other words, can you look at the item and thank God for allowing you to share His Message? Secular or Sacred, it does matter what is shared. We are His Poiema sharing the gift He has given us.
Community, Create, Contemplate
My heart for you is to see God’s love for you and His path for your life. This community is to encourage, even when the words are challenging. The heart God has given us to create needs to be set on fire to be all He sees. The words here will always point to a relationship with our Heavenly Father and His relationship with us.
. My wish is for you to open the wonder God has for you, your art, and life. Feel free to connect with me here, on my Instagram, and on Facebook.
We are all on this journey together, 🙂

[…] definition of this word and acceptable to whom? Consider this, are your words (spoken or not) truly. reflecting the ongoing relationship you have with God? So when I say LIFE HAPPENS, this is where the decision of how to spend time comes, Obviously what […]