The Awe and Wonder is about to Start. SLOW DOWN.
31 Listen, you are going to become pregnant. You will have a son, and you must name Him “Savior,” or Jesus.[a
Luke 1:31 The Voice (VOICE)
Talk about awe and wonder. This young girl is living her quiet, normal life, although she is excited but patiently waiting for the day that she and her betrothed will become united in marriage. When, out of the sky, an angel has this fantastic conversation with her, saying she is going to have a baby. Not only that, this baby has His name and calling all picked out. ‘ 1:31 Through the naming of Jesus, God is speaking prophetically about the role Jesus will play in our salvation.

Was Mary of special heritage or royal birth? No, but Jesus did not call the royalty for His purposes. Mary’s response.?
The Voice Mary(deciding in her heart):” Here I am, the Lord’s humble servant. As you have said, let it be done to me.” And the heavenly messenger was gone.
With that request put before her, Mary’s simple response was – “OK, Your will, Not mine”.
Is that Wonder, that intimate calling for you?
What would it be like to hear God extend His sweet voice to you, “Come, my artist, my little masterpiece, my poiema, I have chosen you to become pregnant with my art, my love, my Word. You will receive so that you will flow to my people. You will be a Poiema.
poiema Definition Poiema |
1. that which has been made 2. a work a) of the works of God as creator. |
I experienced intense inner pain for a long period of time because I saw myself as NOTHING. (That is to say I felt I had nothing to offer, or what I had to offer was not wanted). To me that meant, I did not exist.
As I allowed transitions to take place I began to see reality, My existence happens as I slow down and actually see the one God is calling. I am discovering the “one which is made by God” for His good works. Ephesians 2:10 (This is the definition of masterpiece or poiema) I am slowing down in order to hear His voice and all that means.

Slow down in order to hear God’s sweet voice calling to you. Take in the wonder and awe of His delight in you.
Steps to Wonder and Awe.
Does this “wonder and awe” idea seem too “out there” for your creative genre? If so, that is ok. But if as you are reading this, and something in your soul is stirring ever so gently, then allow yourself to tune in to what is happening. God is drawing you to His Heart. He is the Creator of wonder and awe so doesn’t it make sense that He would want to share with you so you could share with others?
Still, it is not something that drops in our laps. This is a decision we need to make on our own journey. Given that God chooses to give us free will, that means our creativity can be a sacrifice of praise and worship. God will not force His way upon us. But there is truly a freedom as we slow down, seek His heart. We can take God’s hand to join in His adventure. Imagine your eyes opening to see the wonder and awe of life through His Lens.

Go slow and allow yourself to say “YES”. Then you will find yourself engaging in the wonder and awe of God’s Lens.

Whenever you want to engage in the wonder and awe of God, take a slow walk through the woods during the winter.
What to do once you say “YES”.
Lectio Divna and Visio Divina are two spiritual disciplines to help slow down and open yourself to the wonder and awe of God. In my next post, I will include practices for you to try because you said “YES“. When Mary responded in the affirmative, she still needed training for her “next right thing”, so she went to help her pregnant cousin, Elizabeth, When we say YES, there are steps we need to take to for the next right steps.
My hope is that this website will contain tools as an aide in your relationship with God. I also hope doors will be open to bring more freedom and deeper reflection in your creativity.
Remember, this is your site too. What are your thoughts? Community, Create, And Contemplation. Bring your ideas to my Instagram site and FB page, too.

[…] mentioned in my previous post two intimate ways to slow down and connect with God on life’s journey. I will talk about […]
[…] through a practice called Visio Divina. It is similar to the Lectio Divina that I mentioned in my last post. I went into great detail describing a slowing down using words or bible verses. To get a better […]
[…] but just don’t expect Martha Stewart style decorations or food from me. As you have read in my past posts, my creative spirit goes to a deep contemplative area. For you see, I enter into the season from a […]