Be Free to Worship. Come and see how you were created.
I was rereading a post from my early writing days where I started this journey. As I read not only this post but the titles of others, it brought back my creative dreams. Ah Yes, this is why I write, This is why I share. (God’s call to be Free to Worship, as I was created) To express God’s Heart and To Worship. Also, I use writing as an arena where I creatively share with others what I have received.
My first posts were in Blogger, then I took a leap to WordPress in 2015. Now I am in this scarier more official writing process. WHY? I am creating through words because I said YES. Yes to worship creatively, but also to bring encouragement and tools to other creatives. Amid the surrounding chaos of the world, I am discovering the wonderful, fantastic adventure of connecting words to express the vision seen in the heart. Also, there is a freedom available in this journey while discovering the connection between the words for what is in your heart.

Opening yourself to this freedom can bring a serene release of words and creativity to the world.

On the other hand, the expression may come flooding out beyond what we anticipated.
In Saying Yes to this Adventure.
- In saying yes to this adventure of creativity, I also said yes to more than writing and photography. As I started to walk in a deeper personal FREEDOM TO WORSHIP, I also discovered rights I needed to release. If I were to walk with my hand in God’s, I needed to drop for example:
- Comparison (Big one)
- Fear of rejection
- Second guessing myself as a writer.
Also, When Saying Yes, Who is in Control?

Describe your thoughts whenever you think of your art and who is in control, especially if you put this verse together with your creativity. Do fears of destroyed dreams surface? Breathe deeply. Ask whether creativity forms out of freedom or surrounded in a box of safety control?
On the other hand, picture an Encouraging Coach who is all-knowing. He is the one who put the creative arts in there in the first place and it blesses Him. Look at THE CREATOR who has all of the tools and knows the functions of each one. The training to become the Poiema God sees is not easy, but He knows what He has in mind. Ultimately, His result will be far better than anything imaginable!
Dallas Willard has great books talking about our relationship with God and hearing His Voice. In one, Dallas talks about what it takes to be a great athlete. The relatively short time in the competition is the result of more than a few days before the meet. It is not easy, but these people said YES and are willing to listen to the coach for the training so the result is Freedom to Be.
How does this apply to creativity?
Consider the bible verse again. SLOWLY. The ability to glorify and worship freely the way God created us does not come easily. We are all broken. I look in the mirror at times when I read the achievements of other creatives and I wonder? Can I do this?
As the athlete who may have internal abilities, there is need to daily go to the Coach. This is not just for coaching. This is for life.
And what is true of specific activities is of course also true of life as a whole. As Plato long ago saw, there is an art of living and the living is excellent only when the self is prepared in all the depths and dimensions of its being.
To truly have life and be Free to Create, spend deep time with the One who loves beyond measure. Take steps to know who God is and who He is in you. As you develop that relationship, you will BE Free to Worship as You were Created.

*It may be difficult to start from scratch in developing good times with God. Trust me, not only is it worth your space, The Creator REALLY loves you. In past posts I have mentioned ways to slow down and engage with God. If you are a word person, try the Lectio Devina . This post mentioned goes into detail the process and the benefits. God is calling and longs to give you ways to Be Free to Worship (HIM) as You were Created. 🙂
I have never read that verse in a positive way before. It’s been used as a tool to shame me from acting or being or doing cetain things. For the first time, I’m now seeing it as more than just a “Don’t do this with your body” type of verse. Moreso, “MOVE IT!” feel music and let it go through you. Run and appreciate the amazing thing your legs can do. Appreciate that little extra love on your belly because your (my) body has the ability to creat another human!
Thank you!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to engage with this post. As we take time to listen to Our Creator, (His Love, and encouragement) He will bring us to be Free to live and worship as we were Created. 🙂
[…] with your art and words? In the last post, I gave you some meat to chew on concerning creativity. ( Be Free to Worship as You were Created). But really what does that mean? What does that freedom in the creativity […]
[…] Be free to worship. To be truly free to worship, means take time and spend it with the only One who can truly set you free. If you don’t slow down and really walk up each stair, one step at a time, instead of racing, taking three at a crack, you might miss the entire reason for the climb. Yes, the end result may be to get to the top, but what if there is a flower along the side? […]