Be free to worship as you were created!
That is the by- line that ends all these posts. When you come to my writer’s Facebook page, you are greeted with this encouraging phrase. I need to ask you an important question. Can you truly walk in this freedom when you don’t recognize the barriers, lies, or labels you knowingly or unknowingly take on keeping you inside an invisible cage?
33 Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear. Acts 2:33 NIV
The Holy Spirit has poured out to all who have ears to hear and eyes to see and a desire to express the heart of God.
If we are willing to recognize this as truth, what keeps us from freely flowing creatively from His Heart?
This year (2018) I want to delve into some areas: the chains, labels lies keeping you from being all your heart cries out to be. Please don’t expect complete answers, but the questions I have asked myself were ones I did not even know existed. These questions have opened doors to freedom in my life which have affected my creativity and worship.
Your response to this may be, ” I don’t have a problem with my creativity. I flow very easily, very freely.” That’s great. We are all cut from different molds. A chain surrounding me might be nothing more than a simple thread around someone else’s finger.
My approach my seem emotional as I am a Type 4 from the Enneagram Study
The Sensitive, Introspective Type:
Expressive, Dramatic, Self-Absorbed, and Temperamental1
Worship is living. A creative cannot have a separate life from their creative worship. Our lives are a sweet incense offered in love and joy to the One who loves us beyond the galaxies. What limits this exuberant joyful type of living and relating between you and the Father? That free, deep, intimate relationship will be revealed through your creative expression.

Come and join the discussion. What labels have you taken on? Has life grabbed you in a chaotic fashion so you do not take the time to hear God’s voice. God put wonderful gifts in each of us. He blessed us with creative delights to enjoy and to pour through us. Slow down and take time to see what He is saying.
This process is painful at times. There are labels we have become very comfortable wearing. Were there choices we made or ones made for us that were not in our best interest.? Challenges and growth may be necessary if we are serious about expressing God’s heart in the manner a little voice has always been telling us, (but we have denied).
I am looking forward to discovering where God is leading us. I believe He will take our hand down a path where junk can be discarded so when January 2019 comes around we will:
The heart of a creative is willing to listen and allow God to move within that person however God desires. How does your life reflect this truth? What you are wanting to say through your art cannot help but reflect the truth of what you are wanting to say through your life. Enjoy a new year of discovery where you allow God to touch and release you in both areas. 🙂
I love to spend time in nature, rejoicing in the Creator’s work, and don’t hesitate to be inspired to photograph. The barrier I have however, occurs in my attempts to paint, especially watercolor. It comes when I’m so enthused about picking up a paintbrush but then disappointment occurs when the thing I wanted to paint falls short of what I hoped. I’m working through the expectation and perfectionism and learning to play. Often the best happens when I’m just using up the paint at the end of a project.
God uses the creativity He gives to speak His heart and love to us. He does not expect perfectionism in the flowing of your heart to Him. Learning to play is important. It is a freedom that was not always easy to come by as a child. I am getting a book from the library dealing with the importance of “play” and creativity. Smile as we walk, learn and enjoy this freedom. Keep sharing what you discover. Thanks.