We are able to take this reality to a world defined by another signature. The world needs to know a deeper truth. Art that touches the soul, and is lived out by the artist speaks volumes.
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Where does God fit into your creativity?
Do you ask God into you artistry?
Type 4’s have a Primary fear of being unnoticed.2 If the words do not flow, or the outcome does not reach an expected bar, can I still celebrate in who I am? If I have nothing to write, what will I have to post? If I don’t post, how will I get read? If I don’t get read, I will be unnoticed. A vicious cycle.
Comments closedCome Celebrate and dance. To celebrate causes you to take a step beyond where you might be and engage deeper into where you can be. The strength of Creator of the Universe and His Joy over you is your strength..
Comments closed Your soul is the very center of your being. To thrive, you need to engage in the center of life which is God. How can you do this among all your other activities?
You can engage in the wonderful mystery, as you;
Choose to slow down,
Walk the path God has chosen,
Become present in the person God calls you to be.
We are able to take this reality to a world defined by another signature. The world needs to know a deeper truth. Art that touches the soul, and is lived out by the artist speaks volumes.
Comments closedAfter you read Matthew 25 :14-28, think about your craft. Do you, can you put your creative gift in this scripture? How are you tending what God has given to you?
Dare to create
Comments closedThe artist, writer, creative He has called you to be has a purpose in His Kingdom. The more we are free of the junk clogging our pipes, we are able to receive and flow with joy in the gifts God gave to us.