As visual creatives, you can give yourself permission to slow down through Visio Divina. What does the photo say to you? Allow yourself to walk into the photo and journal your response.
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Be Still and Know. It is hard to Know What during hectic holidays! Can we quiet down and enjoy His Gift?
1 CommentWonder, Awe and many other feelings filled Mary as she responded to the angel,”Your will, no mine.” When God’s sweet voice asks to fill you with His Words and be His Poema, what is your response?
3 CommentsSlow Down. Receive the beauty and gift God is sharing with you.
Comments closedI started out in pain. God gently asked, “Who is in charge of your worship?” The Joy of the Lord is my strength. I now have Permission to Sing!
Comments closedGod knows me, my desires, my identity. If I walk in honesty, I will be safe. Pro, 8:18
1 CommentYou are in a rut. Do you talk to God about your desires? Go deeper and talk to Him about your true identity and see how it is reflected in your creativity?
2 CommentsWe love new beginnings, the excitement, the wonder. Being a Beginner has a different feeling. Questions with few answers. You are not alone.
2 CommentsA beautiful morning, the clouds and rain finally pulled aside. I enjoyed the sun and I took in the colors of fall. Delight in the now and BE PRESENT! Why is it important to my creativity to take time to BE PRESENT?