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Category: Art as Worship

I Am The One Who Rescued You.

8–10 “Listen, dear ones—get this straight; O Israel, don’t take this lightly.

Don’t take up with strange gods, don’t worship the latest in gods.

I’m God, your God, the VERY GOD who rescued you from doom in Egypt

Then fed you all you could eat, filled your hungry stomachs. Ps 81 MSG. Do we forget who rescues us and feeds our empty stomachs today?

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No Longer A Slave

When I lie to myself saying, “I have no needs” or to others, “I have it all together, I dig a bottomless hole with no way out. Barriers go up to community and to God. That is living as a slave.
BUT, if the Son sets you, free, you are free through and through!

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DAY ONE You Hear Me!

Joy, are you the lie? Is fear the lie? Why are the the lies of fear, anxiety and doubt more aggressive than the Simplicity of Joy and Strength of Peace? How can one say NO to the chaotic lies swirling around and truly live in the Simplicity of Joy and the Strength of Peace?

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