Anger rises within me when mistakes glare, mocking me with the loser card. (If you have problems dealing with that voice, read my post: Losing does not make you a loser.) As we create each day, we will come against huge barriers questioning our capability to accomplish the calling God has laid upon our hearts. This is part of writing our story. Story deals not only with technique and craft, but our very life. A true artist allows the reality of their life to be reflected in and through their art. When you create, does it reflect how you live?
1 CommentCategory: Devotions for Creatives
Today’s world does not encourage the artist to slow down, be present. Was that the accepted life of the followers of Jesus? That is what we were created for.
Comments closedComplexity surrounds our world. Simplicity longs to make itself heard as well. The two battle for attention.
As God’s Poiema, stand firm and choose to live using God’s Lens. It is through God’s perspective we will Breathe and Reflect the Peace we find in Him.
God is planting seeds of hope during this time. We are not only in a season discovering the new normal for the virus, but we have the racial tensions to help us grow. as well. We are in for a long haul. God is our strength to keep on keeping on.
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