28 Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.29 Put My yoke upon your shoulders—it might appear heavy at first, but it is perfectly fitted to your curves. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. When you are yoked to Me, your weary souls will find rest. 30 For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.
Matthew 11: 28-30 The Voice
God says, “Come to Me with your burdens, with your fears, with your pain and lay them down.”
As you slow down and do this, you will be free to….
Give yourself permission to Come to God, take in this bible verse, and Breathe.
What really is walking in freedom anyway? Are you presently consumed with figuring out all the ANSWERS to the world’s problems? If so, does it get kinda messy? ;
Chaos, Questions, and Needing Answers.
Come to Me and be Free To be Sponges.
While I was walking the other day, I was overwhelmed by the brisk autumn surroundings and the podcast I was listening to. Creatives, we have the pleasure to be sponges, soaking in what is being said around us and to us. As I walked, I was not even sure I would be able to share it later with anyone, but I was allowing myself to SOAK IN. That is Freedom to Be. Slow down to be a sponge of God’s ART and Love.
Experiencing Freedom means different steps.
To come and be free may mean taking steps to your past. Recently, I reread my earlier posts and it was amazing. Five years ago, I was asking questions dealing with life’s current cares for me.and how I was to handle them. Experience God’s Love and Express God’s Love dealt with my children at new stages in their life. I was not needed in the same manner as I once was and even though the corona virus was not running through, I was terribly sick for two weeks. I had many questions, with answers that seem to point the same way.
God’s directions are not always clear to us, but His will always lead us in the way of LOVE and TRUTH. Listen
God’s Word has not changed. How it walks out is not always the same. The adventure is different, but His promise is always true.
Can you relate to that feeling during these current times? How many of your regular life experiences have changed with or without permission? Life does not ask us from day to day whether we are going to give it our permission to run a course we would prefer? How do we creatively handle it?
Experiencing Freedom by dismantling.
What are you reading to help your writing?
.Reading is the creative center of a writer’s life.
Stephen King.
This season, our writer’s group is reading a variety of novels to deepen our creative center. One of these novels is TILL WE HAVE FACES by C.S. Lewis, and another novel I intend to read by C. S. Lewis outside the group is THE GREAT DIVORCE.
Sandi, what does this talk about C.S. Lewis novels do with freedom or dismantling? Slowly read this quote from THE GREAT DIVORCE.
:“A wrong sum can be put to right but only by going back til you find the error and working it afresh from that point, never by simply going on.’
C. S. Lewis The Great Divorce
You do not want to hear, “rewrite”. when on a creative roll, but what if the character just does not belong? Your life comes to standstill, and perhaps a whole new structure needs to be created. A few backpedals are taken so a better creation can be achieved. This does not negate you as a person. It reflects a decision of care in the process and outcome.
What??? Begin, Create All Over?!?!
I needed to tear down what was comfortable five yeas ago and create a new structure because my children did not require my organization. I engage with people differently because of the Covid virus and therefore a new structure of life is required.

As the cold weather brings another change, the neighborhood and trees become barren, lose their color. My walks will no longer bring enjoyable socially distanced conversations. To stand and create stories with cold fingers is difficult. A new structure is required.
Come to me and be free and rest.
Life for the past months has been a series of dismantling experiences for people in many ways unasked for. What freedom have you been offered during this time of dismantling? In dropping items from your hand, you are able to freely take God’s Hand in a new fashion in your creativity. Also, with your other empty hand, there is freedom to creatively bless others.

Come and be free to live the life worthy of the calling you have received.

Feel free to share your thoughts.
“A wrong sum can be put to right but only by going back til you find the error and working it afresh from that point, never by simply going on.’ This is quite difficult for me! I usually just beast through unstead of slowing down. This is a great quote!
Oh my you are right on about the difficulty. It is hard to unravel the yarn, turn around, or maybe even go back to the beginning. Thanks for your input. You are not alone. We are on this journey together.