Comparing Damages Creativity
Comparing damages creativity. Generally, you would think this statement to be quite obvious, so why as faith-based creatives do we even bother thinking this way. Furthermore, if we are “accepted in the beloved”( Ephesians 1:6b ). why do we find it so difficult to freely create without looking at our neighbor’s art in judgement? To begin with, are you checking the stats and ranks of others accomplishments instead of freely engaging in your own art?
For example: “Her books are selling so much better than mine.”, “That display is so wonderful, no one will look my way,’ ‘Her cookies with the huge chocolate chips and almond flavoring …. very tasty” and all the while looking at your own contribution with sad eyes despairing for even showing up. That, my friend, is where Comparing DAMAGES CREATIVITY.
Comparing damages creativity because you use the wrong lens
God created you for a certain purpose. He has given you a specific identity. You were born during this time period with a special wonder inside. If you wore incorrect glasses, you would get a skewed vision. The result is the same if you choose to see yourself through improper lens. The end result will be damaged purpose and identity. Damaged creativity.
What thoughts flow through your mind when I say God asks you to share His Voice using your Art and Creativity? As you think about your answer, do you get excited with His Lens or are the first responses more like these?
I am not as good as the other writers in the group.
My painting is not very good.
Seriously, why would God use me, or my art anyway?
Who would read what I write?
It is just a waste of time.
Comparing will bind you up.
When you compare creativity that either promotes or negates your art, it can actually bind your hands and blindfold you before you even get started. As a result a value is placed on how the creativity will be received before it has been released. Thus the art is already damaged.
Euginia Herlihy
Take a minute and think about that statement…
Consider the ways you have compared your art and chosen one of the above responses. You may have answered in hopes to keep safe, but are you really being yourself?
So Hard Not to COMPARE
I mentioned in a previous post, I really enjoyed the online conference Come and See as I listened to the passion of various creatives whose heart is to take art to a deeper spiritual level. Art is worship and can be used as healing to a hurting world. When My Type 4 (enneagram) heard this I cried out YES. Then I went to the virtual art gallery and toured the displays of these artists
My heart sank!
Why do I even continue to create?
Yes, a battle began, but God said NO. If I only see my limits, I do not see God’s love in me and what He has given me to share thus the enemy will win. Encouragement by the beauty and message from established artists sharing their voice can not only stimulate us to grow in our gift, but also help find how to express our message.
As a Faith-Based artist, what is the MESSAGE you hear during your time with Jesus?
In response to what you hear, allow that MESSAGE to be expressed through the gift that is in you.
Works with Fiber
Song writer
Fill in the blank_______
Absolutely, no one can fill this blank except you. The gift given to you is specifically your output to someone’s input, No matter what it is or how you express, comparing that gift to another is blinding and robs you of the joy, work, challenges, and message God is asking of you.

But To Assist, Support, or Unite will aid and build up creativity
As you compare, it gives a limited lens to what is being brought to the table by all participants, because all is seen through contrast. When looking through the lens to support and unite what everyone brings to the table will create a common blessing.
. Comparing is damaging your creativity, where sharing is giving it life.
Finally, even though comparing is dangerous, sometimes it just HAPPENS. The beast can try to lie and rob you. Recognize that voice is not FOR YOU! Furthermore, You do not need to fight this on your own. Consider joining a community, such as this one, for support and encouragement to be the Poiema God Created. Also, if you want prayer, either leave a message here, or go to my Facebook.
By the way, remember- We are all on this journey together.
