Where is peace in complexity and simplicity?
Do you presently battle between complexity and simplicity in life, searching for peace? Try to count the number of stars, one at a time, and this may lead to vicious, complex anxiety. But consider standing back and taking them all in at one time. You may enjoy the vast wonder in simple joy and relax in peace.
(photos from STARS -Google)
Compare Complexity and Simplicity.
Consider the complex and simple wonders you experienced these past months. Yes, I said wonders. If you sit and rehash all the negative, individual ordeals, anxiety may arise, and as a result, you will have no space to step back and receive.
Receiving through simple love.
“Love reduces the complexity of living.” This quote refers to the wonder Anaïs Nin receives as her husband comes close to her. She experiences a sense of simple peace, when her husband just opens the door. She steps back from all the complexities of life to experience a simply love and through that simple love, peace.
My personal love experience came as I took a prayer walk one morning. I listened to beautiful music and words inviting me to slow down. During this time, I allowed God to come close and receive His simple love and peace.
An example of peace through Simplicity.
Stepping back does not mean the denial of pain. Rather it might mean a shift of the focal point to God’s perspective, Using God’s lens for perspective has given my walks new meaning. As a result of the virus with closed stores, I meet other walking neighbors. Instead of being closed in, I am brought out. Following the 6’ social distancing rule doesn’t stop conversations. PEACE.
BREATHE and Allow God to Come Close.
Suggestions for Simplicity?
Social Media
Facebook Posts
Ugly Battles
These are NOT my suggestions for input to deal with Complexity and Simplicity in life. I dare say it will probably not lead to peace either. As I have mentioned in previous posts, your input has a huge affect on your output. This does not only mean what you say through your creativity, but also what you say through your life. I will not deny the pain of racial tensions, the anxiety of trying to adapt to the present quarantine restrictions, or life in general. Each person has their own individual walk, and what you take in will affect how you respond.
God is not asking us to be ignorant, with our heads in the sand pretending “la-de-da, there are no problems”. When Jesus walked this earth, He did not turn a blind eye to the real problems, real pain reaching out to Him. Jesus spent time with ABBA FATHER, to RECEIVE PEACE so He would be able to WALK THROUGH COMPLEXITIES in UNSHAKEN SIMPLICITY.
Simple Suggestions for the Complexities of Life.
Prayer Walks and Contemplative Meditative Prayer do not take you into a sheltered arena, protecting you from the outside world. In fact, if you desire to seek God’s heart, this may reveal deeper needs than reading news media online. In seeking God’s heart and allowing Him to truly touch you, the agreement has been made to drop all pretense, all false securities, all complexities. You are saying YES to Simplicity. You agree to “come away” with God and seek His Face for you and Creation.

We are surrounded by the complexity of Life, but Jesus is our answer as he shares:
18 Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Put My yoke upon your shoulders—it might appear heavy at first, but it is perfectly fitted to your curves. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. When you are yoked to Me, your weary souls will find rest. 30 For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.
Matthew 11:18-30 VOICE
Peace – God is in Control.
When Jesus touched the man with leprosy, Jesus did not become sick. (Mathew 8:1-4 NIV) As simplicity and peace flowed from Jesus into the leper, this man was cleaned, The complexity of leprosy did not return to Jesus. When you see the leprosy of hate, rejection, complexity of life, etc. eating at God’s world, how do you respond? Because God made you His Poiema to express His Heart, drink deep God’s input regarding who you are in Him and of His Love. The output will flow through your creativity and through your life.
Reflect simplicity and peace.
Continue to Create.

I love this quote: “Try to count the number of stars, one at a time, and this may lead to vicious, complex anxiety. But consider standing back and taking them all in at one time. You may enjoy the vast wonder in simple joy and relax in peace.” It is SO relateable! Sometimes I look at all the small tasks I have to do and get wildly overwhelmed, but when I look at things as a whole- That God is leading me down the path where I’m upposed to go, I feel instantly relaxed. Such a good metaphore!
It also allows one to enjoy life and be present instead of looking at at everything as items to get finished. Thanks for connecting.