1.Psalm 28:7 The Message (MSG)
6-7 Blessed be God—
he heard me praying.
He proved he’s on my side;
I’ve thrown my lot in with him.
Now I’m jumping for joy,
and shouting and singing my thanks to him.

The still waters reflect a gentle breeze. The tree limbs sway as if dancing. Nature is joyful, resting and at peace. I am called to be the same.
God, You fill my heart with such joy…..
Suddenly, as I remember deadlines and unfinished projects, fear, anxiety, and doubt attack my solitude. Their clutching fingers are scratching and clawing at my soul trying to rob the reality of Your sweet presence. My throat is dry. I can’t breathe. Tension is tearing my respite apart.
Joy, are you the lie? Is fear the lie? Why are the the lies of fear, anxiety and doubt more aggressive than the Simplicity of Joy and Strength of Peace? How can one say NO to the chaotic lies swirling around and truly live in the Simplicity of Joy and the Strength of Peace?
Do you identify with that inner battle for joy and peace? Do you hear these lies trying to rob, steal and destroy the connection between God and you? Quiet yourself. Return to the pond. Sit. Be still. Hear God’s voice calling to you.
In His presence, take paper and name the chaos trying to rob you. Draw the ugly in whatever form it takes trying to say I AM BIGGER. What is the fear speaking inside, either calling you names or pulling you apart? Face it squarely. In doing so, you realize, who has the power concerning your identity. Make space for the TRUTH.
As you are honest in the chaos, you will hear the Holy Spirit speak:
God’s Heart is pouring out Simplicity of Joy and Strength of Peace all over you.
God hears your cries. He patiently listens to your prayers. God is trustworthy. As you go deeper in your relationship of trusting and loving Him, you will be less consumed by lies trying to lure you away from who you are meant to be.
