Discovering New Life in Second Chances
I really hope you were not coming to this post looking for relationship advice. Well, actually this post will deal with relationships, but not in the way you might think. I will be sharing how the discovery of life in second chances can be a fantastic gift.

Welcome to my story
Discovering New Life in Second Chances
Do you remember when you opened your life to worship in a creative fashion? This could be through any form, (music, dance, painting, photography). The intense joy and connection to God seemed to run so deep that nothing else mattered. That was life and it was to be the journey for many years.

My life was worship through vocal praise. I had been part of vocal expressions in high school and in college. I think I can honestly say I was good. And I really enjoyed the sound created.
When the church I belonged to had vocal teams that lead worship at the services, I believed with all my heart this was part of my journey. How could it not be? Worship through vocals and bringing people to the throne of God!!!
JOY and Abundant Life!
This was absolute joy until….
I was no longer to be part to of the worship team. It was a devastating emotional blow. My heart sank every time a song I once lead was in the worship set. For years I questioned my worth. I never questioned God though. He was my absolute. People, well that was another story.
There was one question God kept asking me. “Who is in charge of your worship?”

By this time you may be wondering if I am going to write a story behind a Vintage Hymn and its author. The main author and story this time is mine dealing with discovering new life in second chances.
Looking through a new lens
In the last post a variety of second chances were explored and how they enter into our lives. Loves Offers Second Chances described new blooms after winter, new tools to help in expressing our message and second chances for a new life.
But you may ask, ‘How does that affect me?”
Without going into the LONG story of my transformation I will share with you that recently God opened a door to me.
My lens was very limited.
I was so overwhelmed in the wonder of worship through vocal praise that I did not consider any other options. This type of expression although as freeing as it was, felt very comfortable. I could do this. (Notice the words. I COULD DO THIS.) Who was I depending upon?
Very slowly through years of pain and fear, new doors began to open. Writing and photography gave me a view of worship I had never seen before. Fear still gripped my soul denying total freedom. Fear to freely wrap myself in the depth of this expression. A consistent terror kept repeating, “Someone or something would someday take this away too.”
This was a Second Chance Discovery for My Life
I began to express through a blog. My writing and photography definitely described the Second Chance I was discovering for my life to worship and praise. Still an inner “ick” though gnawing at me. 😕 Someone would say NO MORE, or I needed outside permission TO DO THIS. Because of that need, I looked to others I could copy looking for their validation. Even though I gained knowledge in some creative techniques, God gently showed me this too was only to receive validation that I was OK and seen.
.My “another second chance” started during COVID.
Another “second chance” came during COVID. I was confronted face to face as to my reasons for this felt need to get permission. Feelings of self doubt in many areas rose within me. I actually stopped various creative expressions whatsoever. No blog or creative writing (except to journal).
During my walks, I listened to many podcasts put out by Makers’ and Mystic which dealt with the emotional challenges of creative artists when they could not share their art. God said to me, ” Listen because I will use their stories to show you My Heart.” The theme for that season : This next batch of interviews, artist profiles and round-table discussions will center on “Restoring The Heart of The Artist.”
I was encouraged to slow down, listen to the voice of God and then express it through His creative gift. The inner touch I felt drew me not only to share Jesus’ love through creativity, but also open the door to other creatives to see God asking them to join in this dance.
Creatives be open to the second chances being offered to you. Be still. Listen. Respond. We are God’s workmanship.
10 For we are the product of His hand, heaven’s poetry etched on lives, created in the Anointed, Jesus, to accomplish the good works God arranged long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 Voice

As you walk on your creative journey, be open to look through a lens far bigger than the one from your past. Coincidences may just be God’s second (or third or more) chance for you to go deeper into the adventure He planned for you long ago.
Where are you on your adventure? The writers of Vintage Hymns may or may not have started out wanting their words to be published. The words expressed were the response to an experience and love that demanded something.
I am very interested in your creative walk.
Do you need encouragement to just continue writing? Go to my earlier posts and receive a solid YES. Check You Are A Gift and see that God is calling you to express His Heart.
Thank you for reading this author’s story. My next post will return to another Vintage Hymn and the story behind its author.