.Dreams can be risky. We keep them hidden deep in the heart and soul, safe and sound from exposure. But at some point a door dares to open for that dream to be acknowledged. It can be exciting, yet risky and fearful. How will you respond?
The door has been unlocked to pursue a hidden dream, allowing you to look beyond the sweet adventures (or not so sweet) that occur during your sleeping time and actually pursue “…exciting or unusual experiences. It may also be a bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome.” (Cool Definition. It came from Wikipedia). The Dream has taken physical shape.. It is real. You can see it in your lap and there is no turning back
My Personal Risk to Dream and response

My dream started taking shape in the form of an EOS 300D Rebel Digital Camera. Not only can I create with words. I can also express God’s Beauty in color
My dream is to worship through creativity and capture portions of God’s creation in way that is poetic and has meaning. As I receive, I wanted to share.
Dreams can be risky and do come with a price.
So I ran outside and played with my camera.. Also, for me, I could write to my heart’s content. (My kids are grown up). However it turned out not to be all fun and games. In fact. I found out that dreams do come with a price
.’“‘WHAT!! NO‘ I don’ t want to hear about a price tag because, well, life is hard the way it is. I thought I would have freedom to express my dream.” You might be saying. “Finally, after the pain and hard work of saying yes to following this dream, I am hit with “…dreams can be risky and may EVEN come with a price.” Well, good-bye.”
Please my friend, Don’t leave. This dream has been put inside of you by the Creator Who will give you the strength to really obtain it.
Dreams can be risky and emotions are a bear.
.Let’s go further with my story where walking out a dream is also challenging. In fact, I experienced inner pain during a vacation where my dream was caught in the clutches of fear..
In July 2014, my family went to a northern Minnesota lodge for “no internet / no T.V. / no cellphone” experience. This was to be a time of laughter, hikes, and enjoying the beautiful North Shore. Pure Family Fun.
Getting older is not for wimps, as I was discovering. Being on uneven terrain and rock with trifocals did not make the hike full of laughter for me. In fact, trying to keep up with the other family members turned out to be emotionally and physically challenging.
God does not leave us during the risky times.
The sun reflecting off the water to the light house was a beautiful scene for everyone except me. . My son leapt from rock to rock seeing how close he could get to the water without falling in. My daughter was strolling along the breakwater as if this were a normal jaunt in the neighborhood. I was gingerly going step-by-step trying not to fall or drop my DSLR camera. The inner friction of terror was maddening. Why couldn’t I relax and enjoy the wonder as everyone else was? There really was a battle going on inside. I hated the fear. It was strong. It is times like this when one needs to be aware of the DREAM. The desire to go forward is stronger still. I hear a tender voice whispering, “If you don’t go on, you will not catch the waves.”
God has made you a POIEMA. He will take your hand.
Pete came back realizing that I am having difficulty keeping up with the rest of the family. He gently tells me that I do not have to go out to the light house if I don’t want to.
Through tears, I told Pete the inner encouragement that I received. I gave him permission to go on alone. With camera in hand, I carefully walked on as I recorded the beauty.
God has made you a POIEMA. He will take your hand.
Pete came back realizing that I am having difficulty keeping up with the rest of the family. He gently tells me that I do not have to go out to the light house if I don’t want to.
Through tears, I told Pete the inner encouragement that I received. I gave him permission to go on alone. With camera in hand, I carefully walked on as I recorded the beauty.
Dreams can be risky but if you don;t go on you might miss the waves.
Although the photo of all four of us standing at the lighthouse did not make it home, but I did. 🙂
What are your Dreams?
To live our lives as a Poiema (Living Poetry) for God is truly living out the dreams God put inside. Although there is a longing to be, and to even share, this dream, challenges will arise in ways you can not imagine. .In fact at times, dreams can be risky. God put dreams into your life. Keep your eyes on Him. let Him be the one who pulls them out. It will mean taking risks and trusting God. The fullness of being everything you are meant to be is so worth it.
NIV Ps 32. 4 Take delight in the Lord,
and He will give you the desires of your heart.
.Join this community with your dreams. Share your walk and challenges here as we :

Good for you for making it to that lighthouse! Thanks for sharing!