Phil. 4: 6-7 NLT
6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ.
Experience God’s Love and Peace
Is it easier to read about God’s Love at times than to live this love out on a daily basis? The Facts of this wonderful Love can stare me in the face when I try to keep everything together on my own., yet I forget. keeping these life perfect is not my job.
I have a wonderful son graduating from high school in June. This son happens to be our second and last child graduating from high school. Empty Nest Syndrome door is starting to appear.

My role for him will be different. It has to be different. Life will change.
Don’t worry about anything. Instead pray about everything.
Challenges to experience God’s Love and Peace.
Traveler in our house whose third year at UMD was spent in a CULTURAL EXCHANGE program in England, has a wonderful opportunity. In May she is leaving again. This time it is on an internship with an organization called ONEHOPE. This organization helps in meeting the needs of orphans, refugees and prostitutes in a city in Italy. I am very proud of her strength in pursuing this endeavor. The ticket purchased was for one way.

Do I fear I will never see my daughter again? No. Is there a possibility that the time period will be a long one before my eyes will see her and I put my arms around her.???
Don’t worry about anything. Instead pray about everything.
While studying art or computer at a local community college my son will have greater independence from home. My daughter will be gone not only from home, but from the country. My life will be different.
A new role to fill, Am I ready?
No longer will I be the school schedule keeper. No more early morning breakfast needed between 6:30 and 7:00. No longer am I the ride organizer to and from school. No more lunch order forms to fill out. I fulfilled this job in some capacity for the past 18 years. My job is coming to an end.
Don’t worry about anything. Instead pray about everything.
“ Tell God what I need, and thank him for all he has done.” ——In some fancy language or spruced up “. then leave it at that. I have it all together words. .
NO God knows my heart and if I am to truly experience God’s Love, then I need to be honest. This means honest tears, or fear with hands opened wide to receive. It may also mean, head bowed low in need as the norm. HIS LOVE ALWAYS gives me what I NEED.
7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ.
Philippians 4:7 NLT
So, after I thank God, I will experience His peace, beyond anything I can understand. Well, my friends, these are facts, looking me in the face, but it is not my job to make it all work out perfectly. As the sun rises, I am never alone.
What is my next step?
Right now, knowing my daily roles, routine, and needs will be shifting, I have to confess that I am not walking in the perfect peace of this verse all of the time. 🙂
It is “Mother’s Day, day after tomorrow (May 10th). I will always be a Mother, to my two wonderful children but:…, How do I define my daily role in their lives as they become more independent?”
How do I define my daily role in life when it has been defined by children?
Is this a fear for you too? Are you a Mom who is walking through a new stage? A new door? You are not alone.
Reread NLT Phil 4:6-7
6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what your need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your heart and mind as you live in Christ Jesus.
I am limited if I surround myself with protective barriers which do not allow me to EXPERIENCE GOD as He walks me through the next door.
A step can be to thank God for all of the blessing I have experienced these past 18 years. Allow myself to eventually receive His peace . Then walk in the freedom being offered to me.
Freedom for me is asking God how He wants me to creatively express the wonderful Love I experience from Him. Writing and photography have been used in expressing that freedom.
What freedom have you found in life to Express God?
My children going to their next stage of life are an example of a life’s challenge for me. . As I live in Christ Jesus and allow Him to define my role, I will receive peace. What changes and challenges are you experiencing? Tell God your needs. Experience God’s Love and Peace in your life.
Happy Mother’s Day.
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