Faith expressed in creative journey
Oh the joy to wake up ready to meet the day. I am filled with enthusiasm and I can’t wait to start. Why? All of life is an artistic journey for me so each new step is part of this walk. New paths are opening for me. I downloaded a new app to aid in my writing. Also, Anna (daughter) said I could try her tablet for creating. The size would be easier to use in my travels. (afternoons at my favorite coffee bar.)

journey goes on a variety of paths.
My joy dropped a few notches as problems started to pop up. The tablet is sweet, but too old to update to my needs. I tried many avenues attempting to unlock a door. Sadly nothing happened. Can you relate when the excitement to a new creative path is blocked?
Plus the new app I downloaded to help my writing is harder to understand than I hoped. Blocks came tumbling in all over the place. Yes it is hard to have faith expressed in my creative journey when the frustration seems to yell louder than what I want to share.
HMMM . OK. Emotional thunder clouds are rolling in as the day is taking a mental darker tone. The other challenge is Anna went back to Berlin. That in itself is rough to work through.
Faith expressed in creative journey even through pain, confusion and challenge.
In all levels of life, Who is in charge of my creative journey?
Look at past creatives and their journeys
Vintage hymns and their stories were very much affected by faith but how was it expressed in their journey. What lens did they look through during challenging times? Can we learn from their response?
“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal”.
2 Cor. 4:18, NIV
Fanny Crosby, William Featherston and the hymn Be Thou My Vision have stories based on a lens with an eternal vision.
The challenge of an eternal vision during intense pain?
In pain it is well with my soul.

The hymn IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL reflects the deep faith and trust of Horatio Spafford. As you look at his story, it is filled with pain. This businessman lost heavily in the Chicago fire of 1871. Earlier that year, Spafford ‘s son died from pneumonia. Then his four daughters were lost at sea. Anna Spafford sent this to her husband. “”Saved alone, what shall I do?”
As Spafford sailed to Wales to comfort his wife, the ship crossed the area where his daughters went down. Can you imagine this man’s agony and yet Spafford did not turn away from God. He went to God for grace and mercy looking through the lens of an eternal vision even in his deep pain. As the ship continued its travel Spafford poured his heart out in the words –IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL.
How is your faith expressed in creative journey?
I am going through various stories behind these hymns for you to consider opening a door on your creative journey. God is asking His creatives to share the reality of His Love. In your daily lives, your creative journey, how are you sharing your faith?
I would love to hear your comments. Is this a new approach to your creative expression?