21 Grace, because God is putting everything together again through the Messiah, invites us into life—a life that goes on and on and on, world without end.
Romans 5 The Message
Read this again and breathe!
The Whirlwind of Spring. I Live in God’s Grace.
Oh my, what a whirlwind has flown through the last few days. Just in my city of Duluth, Minnesota the weather has gone from nice temperatures, to snow, and back to a nice 43° with sun. The snow is now gone from the deck, and we could probably grill if the gas tank was full. Life is normal.

God’s Voice speaks and the weather changes.

Ah, Did you say “Normal?”
We are in an opportunity to listen to God’s Voice and Feel God’s Heart.
Since December 2019, the world has been rocked. I feel no need to go into all of the details. You can get that from other sites. What are you hearing and seeing?
In my daily walks through the neighborhood, I have encountered many other “walkers”. We are socially distancing, but we engage. Would this happen otherwise? Think about this. People all over the world have an unnatural-natural bond. We have something else in common with everyone in this world.
Following God’s Heart and God’s Voice.
Jesus knew the Law better than the Pharisees did, but His approach was not through simply following the words. Actually, there was much more to this. It was a relationship. Grace and Love were the response to all of the inquiries and attacks from the Pharisees. Following God’s Heart and Voice is the example to live a “NEW NORMAL.”
How are you creatively Following God with the New Normal?
So, how are you dealing creatively with the NEW NORMAL? As of Friday, Minnesota has joined the ranks of the “Safer-at-Home” restriction throughout the United States. Many of us have restrictions placed on us in ways we have never experienced before. I mentioned earlier that we have something else in common. One thing is this virus, and the other, we are created by God. Those two points make a strong case to listen to the Voice and Heart of God in the days ahead.
Now for a few Practical tips to Slow Down and Listen.
The reality of pain and fear may surround you, but do not allow it to suffocate you. Limit your social media time if the only input you are receiving is negative.
In times of anxiety, simply slow down and listen to music. It actually creates space to receive. Peace and Rest As you enter into this peace, what creative arts do you see, if any? Do not force it, but God may use this time to share with you so you can share with others.
The steps for Lectio Devina are covered in Be Still and KNOW. Know What? It is a simple, yet also intense way to enjoy the creative words of scripture and other spiritual writers. Give yourself permission to hear God’s heart for you. The joy you experience might be the next blessing for you to share with another.
If you are more visual, try the same steps from the link above with a painting or photo. (This is called Visio Devina)
The Audio Divina can be accomplished by doing the same thing while listening to a hymn or engaging with music minus words. Basically, the main purpose for these exercises is to slow down and give yourself to God for what He wants to do.
You are God’s Workmanship, Created for good works. That has not, nor will it ever, change.
We may need to follow the laws to stay within the house for physical health reasons, but that does not stop us from walking in God’s Grace to discover a deeper relationship with Him. What is He telling you about His love for you? How is that being reflected in and through your creativity?
I am here to encourage you in your input so that the output is the reflection you want it to be: – God’s Voice and God’s Heart.
I’ve been slowing down by writing letters to friends! It’s been a lovely way of connecting that isn’t as instantaneous and feels more meaningful!
Thank you Anna for taking the time to engage. Your response might be the encouragement another needs to walk through this adventure. 🙂