Give yourself permission to sing!
Permission to sing! Yes. Sing a new song. Make a joyful creative song!!
Who, Me? I can’t Even carry a tune!!
As you read this, you hope I am not talking about vocally sharing your message, unless that is your calling. But you ask, what are you talking about Sandi?
In your daily creative walk what would you do if:
a door to your creativity slammed in your face saying “NO MORE“?
you receive an unexpected phone call from a relative with pain-filled news?
you just realized your body will not move as it once did not matter how well you take care of it?
My Story of Change and Permission to Sing.
Many years ago, I went through an emotional door-slam in the face with my first creative calling. I questioned as to whether MY worship would ever see the light of day again. Does that sound a bit drastic? Well, yes it was, but have you walked a similar path? A job, a hope, a dream taken away, and it was beyond your control?
This whole deep, internal journey in discovering identity is far from an easy topic. With tears and pain, God was very gently asking me these questions:
- Where are you receiving your Identity?
- Will you trust Me and My love for you in spite of the pain and chaos you are walking through?
- Will you take My Hand and allow Me to lead you in worship?
After you see those question, can is there a connection between how you see yourself and your creativity? Check out my last two posts, , and I’m not saying it is healthy all of the time. I’m saying to be healthy you need to slow down, to really see yourself. Do you find your identity in your creativity or does your creativity reflect your identity?
How Does This Deal With Continuing to Create?
What does all of this have to do with whether you can carry a tune or not? Your creative love might be writing, painting, creating through other expressions, with your voice not included! ABSOLUTELY, but my first love in worship was singing. I felt freedom and joy in vocal worship. I was also part of the team. Suddenly, that door was closed to me. The reasons were not really clear, so I felt all my offers to worship were no longer wanted or needed. Therefore, I felt I was no longer needed or wanted.
This is pain!
But Jesus is My Lord, He is the Lord of my Dance, my Worship, my Creativity, My Song, which means my story would still go on. Does this mean the pain automatically ended? No, instead, the The Lord asked the question,
“Who is in charge of your worship?”
When this deep, beautiful, intimate expression closed, (the vocal worship) God knew His next steps for me. The heart of worship, sharing His heart and voice, and connection had always been my desire. God created a unique permission to sing using something other than my voice. .
What was my New Permission to Sing?
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Eternal, “plans for peace, not evil, to give you a future and hope—never forget that.”
Jeremiah 29:11 The Voice
This word of encouragement was not given to a people walking into a promised land. Jeremiah was telling the now captive people of Israel as they were walking into Babylon that they had a future. It was not obvious. It was not one they could see. Jeremiah was telling them they had permission to sing.

Our lives change. Take God’s Hand.
Emily P. Freeman has a chapter entitled Be Where You Are. This chapter deals with anxiety when life seems to throw the crazies at you, and you are not prepared. If you are at this stage of life or received an unexpected curve ball, let me tell you, you are still loved. You are still needed. You are still wanted. We do not ever stop being God’s Poema. The adventure just takes a different expression.
I would love to hear about your adventures. Do you see God giving you permission to sing in a different form of worship? Share in the comments. We are all on this journey together. 🙂