God Hears the Cry of Our Heart
Engage in this portion of Psalm 40 and no matter where your wounds and pains are, God hears the cry of your heart.
I waited a long time for the Eternal;
He finally knelt down to hear me.
He listened to my weak and whispered cry.
2 He reached down and drew me
from the deep, dark hole where I was stranded, mired in the muck and clay.
With a gentle hand, He pulled me out
To set me down safely on a warm rock;
He held me until I was steady enough to continue the journey again.
3 As if that were not enough,
because of Him my mind is clearing up.
Now I have a new song to sing—
a song of praise to the One who saved me.
Because of what He’s done, many people will see
and come to trust in the Eternal.
Psalm 40 Voice
God Hears Our Cry.
Minnesota is one of 41 states (at this time) requiring people to be “safer at home”. There is talk that this journey may extend past April 30. 🙁 I am blessed to be living in Duluth, because it is easy to enjoy the outdoors and still walk 6 feet away from people. With my love of photography, I don’t feel totally isolated because I bring God’s beauty with me to see and share where I walked. Spring is not only a date on the calendar. IT IS HERE!

An isolated heart cries out for beauty. God Hears and says “Come, Listen… Enjoy.”

The Babbling Brook is God’s answer to the cry of our heart. A soft, gentle sound to enjoy His Voice.

God hears the deep cry of our heart. Spring is here. New Life.
But life really is different. In fact, as I am writing this post, I am discovering how this “pest” is actually affecting more of God’s creation. This is paining God’s Children in ways that are very deep.😢
I saw a Facebook video of people needing to handle the reality of someone walking through the virus. Because of fear of contamination, love connections need to be different. Family members may not be sick but actions are taken to make sure no one becomes sick. Emptiness and pain from loss are real.
God Hears the Cry of Our Heart…
I cannot watch these videos, read the newspaper, or look at the social media and the constant rise of this pest attack with the pain it is causing. The fact of loss all around is obvious, The question I ask God is: What is Your Plan for me on this day and how can I reflect You?
As I sit as His feet and receive the love that He gives to me, then I can share the reality of what I know in the way God wants me to share it. Normally, I would give you a hug, but a cyber one will have to suffice. I listen to your pain and share that God’s heart for you is not one of destruction. Why? Because Jesus took every destruction when He died on the Cross. The enemy could not keep Him in the ground. Three days later, the tomb held no physical body. The truth is still that God is with us:
So What Happens If I Need to Cry Out?
At first, being a Type 4 in the Enneagram made me think “this pest” would not be a nuisance. I am an introvert that enjoys writing, so I didn’t think it would affect me that much. As days wear on though, I am seeing pain that I cannot fix. If I allow this to label me, I will feel unsafe.
So I asked God what would happen if it all went south for me? What would happen if I lost it and I became terribly anxious; where my Type 4 emotions took a negative scream and major fear started to hit? Would I feel depressed and helpless comparing my inabilities?
My Friends, We do not walk alone on this journey. Intense, major, unknown questions have blasted people for centuries. I mentioned two books in my last news letter to check out, The Hiding Place and The Diary of a Young Girl. Good reads how people in isolation and emotional pain dealt with life.
Receive, Reflect upon, and then Respond to this verse. It is David’s heart cry and God’s response.
4 When I needed the Lord, I looked for Him;
I called out to Him, and He heard me and responded.
He came and rescued me from everything that made me so afraid.
Psalm 34:4 Voice
Continue to Be Free To Worship As You Were Created.
Past post to help handle pain and wounds: