Promises from the past
After last week’s post, I went to my room and gathered the booklets from conferences of earlier years. The ones I found were A Vineyard Women’s Conference–Engaging in the Kingdom, from 2105, 2018, and 2019. Also, another delightful find were booklets from two Creativity in the Kingdom: Worship and Arts Conferences. I went to the audio archives where encouraging words were spoken as we left on the final days. In times of pain, major questioning, and identity crisis, going back to the promises from the past can help walk in the present.
How can the past help me in the present?
All of these treasures contained words of life and promises which God shared with me. I remember crying with a heart overflowing in love. Did the Creator of the Universe love me so much He would actually speak to me? This love is true now and will never change.

Remembering promises from the past helps when one is in pain.
My God, my soul is so traumatized;
the only help is remembering You wherever I may be;
From the land of the Jordan to Hermon’s high place
to Mount Mizar.
Psalm 42:6 Voice
Bring out those booklets with the past promises.
As we remember promises from the past, we also have tools to deal with the present. How we deal with those two things will have a huge effect on the offerings we give back to God and to others. Although most of us can physically leave our homes for a walk to breathe and receive outdoor input, what about the input for the soul? Creatives, (truly, all human beings) need positive input for wholesome positive output. In other words, the ways you spend your time filling your mind, your heart, your soul, and your body, will have an affect on the outcome of your creativity. Really, it affects your whole life!
There are practical sides, but what about His Love Story?
There are practical sides to better organize your writing and deepen your creative skills, but I am thinking how this time can be spent developing the emotional/spiritual side as well. Normally, during April, I would have filled my soul with the aforementioned Engaging In the Kingdom Conference we hold at our church every year. It is a great time of fellowship and soul feeding, but that was not on the agenda for this year. So, what are the challenges and promises from past conferences or retreats that God has in store for you and for me?
God is still sharing His Heart. What was the love story which grabbed your soul so deeply during that conference? Dig out that booklet and take a walk down memory lane. Reread your notes to hear the encouragement of God”s love to His child.
Where are your booklets and what stories do they tell?
The creative arts booklet at one of these conferences blessed us with questions to experience a time of rest and contemplation. Out of the growth I experienced, I constructed similar questions for you to work with.
Take each question to your heart, read it over slowly, and answer it on a sheet of paper. See where God leads.
Gods love is beyond measure. His delight is to take you deeper into His Kingdom and share His love through the tremendous gifts He has given. As you open up to receive the joy, forgiveness, beauty, wonder, and creativity of THE CREATOR (input), and say YES to the flow (output of the Holy Spirit) you may be surprised at the blessings which will come 😀
Take this time to celebrate in the promises spoken over you that have come to pass. Large or small, it does not matter. This site is one of my answered prayers. Listen to His Heart for and be the POIEMA He created,
I am interested in hearing how your journey is moving. Feel free to share in the comments or follow the discussions happening on my Facebook and Instagram. We are all on this journey together.