Handling being in the Middle?
How are you handling being in the middle of this international “pest”?
I refer to this virus as a “pest” because I need my daily lens defined through a less destructive label than “virus”. I do not look through rose colored glasses, rather I just try having God define me in His Direction, Love, and Care.
This walk is not easy, for the new normal is becoming the normal . Quarantine for a family makes it hard for the introvert to find her time away. Extroverts are losing their usual needed company. Both temperaments are discovering new ways to write their stories in handling being in the middle.
How does one write their story?
Our writer’s group leader is great. She gently meets our need to express and receive prayer. In this strange new face-to-face zoom contact, we open up. It becomes clear, however, God is bringing to the surface deep-seated questions that only the current “pest” situation would materialize.
Consider when writing a novel or short story how the character develops as he/she goes through the MIDDLE. Although the introduction and wrap up are very important, the meat is in the middle.
For this reason, even though the middle of a story contains many mini arcs, it only comes to a major conclusion when the main character comes to a turning point with a decision.
So going through the middle may be living through the “mini arcs” of the story til the turning point occurs. While the current story of our lives is being written, we have many mini arcs to be experienced. As a result of this current chapter, how will we handle being in the middle?
Is this middle stuff really necessary?
Going through the middle can feel absolutely boring and even unnecessary. .Remember as a child on vacations, at a certain point you wanted to just BE THERE? In the beginning, it is exciting and getting to the end is great, but the ride can be so long, unless….
Unless what? How do we handle going through this middle til we get to the end?
- We have the option to pretend NOTHING is wrong, but sadly, reading the paper tells you a different story.
- We have the option to feel EVERYTHING is wrong. We can hole up in the house, never go out, and be disconnected for who knows how long? Eventually the lack of supplies demands you leave the house sometime.
- We have the option to know the virus is for real and something is wrong. I feel the third option is the choice where we experience the mini arcs as they come. We grow and become aware of our feelings.
Listen to God’s lead and give yourself space to breathe. Listed here are some past posts to help with your feelings and discover why that is important.
Slow Down and Listen to What You Are Saying
Awe and Wonder Means Slow Down
Visual Creatives Can Slow Down Too
Slow Down and Listen For a Time.
Reflecting Your Art as You walk.
Also remember that we are God’s Poiema!

Slow down and listen to God’s heart and voice. How will that be reflected through your art?
Example of Being in the Middle Through Art.
My friend gave me permission to share her Instagram post that speaks wonderfully to being present and responding to God’s heart during this walk in the middle. I ask you to Receive, Reflect and then Respond.
“We were lined up outside the door next to the yellow caution tape, standing 6 feet apart and waiting for our turn to buy food.
With our faces covered and eyes unsteady we quickly made our way through the aisles looking for what was needed. Trying desperately not to come near one another as we hovered in shared anxiety.
It was on the way out that I heard them behind me. An older couple screaming and cursing at each other with a violent rage and I did the only thing I could and began to pray. As I drove home with an aching heart I continued to cry out to God to protect them, to protect us all from the anger and fear and brokenness in the world.
And then he showed me this as I came down the hill. It is his mighty work on the cross that covers all sickness and death and raises us with him into new life.”
Allow yourself to receive His Words for your story. How are you handling His Words for you today? Find a good community, share especially when it is tough and rejoice in times of joy. I will pray for needs that you have and rejoice in your celebrations too.
We are all on this journey together. 😃
Thank you Tammy Morton for permission to use your Instagram post and photo. It is a very fine example of being aware, using your gifts and sharing Gods heart.
I love you – beautiful post. Thank you!
Thank you. This is a challenging walk. Being real and supporting each other will share God’s Voice. 🙂
Oh mom this is so good!! I love how you made it like a story- This is just the middle, not the end!
I woke up this morning and reading this post was exactly what I needed!
Thank you. I am glad it spoke positively to you. Blessings to your day.
[…] We are still in the middle. Is there an underlying angst or pain you have refused to connect with? As an artist, are you being […]
You posed a good question: ‘ Is being in the middle really necessary’?
I am not sure we have a question as to the situations surrounding us (we did not ask for the pandemic but we are in the middle of it.) How do each one of us stop, breathe and handle it? I cannot on my own.