Handling Wounds When You are the Character of the Story.
“Each compelling character has a “wound” that must be found and utilized by the writer. This wound is the emotional trauma that propels the character, and it is the motivation and underlying conflict that drives his or her words, thoughts, and behavior”
Elizabeth Lyons Shared at our writer’s group.
How does one handle the story of life when the character with wounds is your own story?
These words I have pledged in My holiness once and for all,
and I will not lie to David. Ps. 89. :35 The Voice.
God does not go back on His Word so He continues handling wounds no matter the choices. As you slowly take this in, can you see this applied to your own creativity? Being the character in your own story, when wounds develop who is handling the outcome?
Consider the effect each of your choices has upon your creativity and life. Being irresponsible may start a small lesion. In the long run, what seems insignificant, left untreated possibly turns into an infected wound.
While reading about the horrible wounds God’s people experienced in the Old Testament it all seemed to start after irresponsible choices.( I Kings 11) As a result to draw His people back to their original story though, God uses physical and spiritual love. This is an example of God expressing His Love-
31 Get rid of all your wicked ways! Acquire a new heart and a new spirit! Why would you choose to die, people of Israel? 32 I don’t enjoy watching anyone die, so turn back to Me and live!
Ezekiel 18 The Voice
Handling Wounds in the OLD Testament affecting Your Story.
Do you realize, we are characters in our own stories? Although we may not physically express this as in a writing, we are still participants, interacting with one other. Then, if we are truly honest, we either have, are, or will be experiencing a wound.
Great information Sandi, but the connection between The Old Testament wounds and the my present day creativity is still a bit unclear. After all, I am not bringing foreign idols into my house to worship, or even want to.
Take a breath. Slow down.

As a Christian who creates, the wounds ( small or large) will come at any stage in our story. The attack to adapt to the world’s standards of acceptance will creep in. Similar to the foreign wives, Solomon married. it may seem harmless or even non existent but destruction will come.
Where can it start for a creator?
- Comparing in an unhealthy way. Looking at already published writers do you fear no one will see your hard work? An open wound.
- Fighting the discouragement of techno insecurity. As you look at all the new apps, widgets and updates to make your writing better, does the language become frustrating and draining? An open wound.
- Living and writing according to the world’s standards of success! Marketing demands. We cannot escape this reality, but a wound of competition begins in FEELING THE NEED to keep up. An open wound.
- As a result, you may create in a false reality of creativity instead of creating out of your inner reality. An inner open wound.
Think about it, are you experiencing wounds in your story?
As a creative, this is reality that you experience in your story. As a Christian who creates, you cannot deny at some point the enemy will come in through a door and try to destroy. With all the wisdom Solomon had, his need for personal satisfaction was met with foreign wives that brought with them foreign gods. The end result was a cancerous wound which eventually split the nation causing them to go into captivity.
God’s commitment to his people never left. even in captivity, He kept gently handling the wound, bit by bit. til they were ready to listen to His Voice again. After all, God’s love is consistent and unfailing.
Because the character in your own creative live story is you, do you see wounds needing to be tended? Have you allowed the cares of this world to become a distraction where God’s Voice is faint? This is not to shame or condemn, We all need a challenge to hear God’s Voice. a reminder that God sees you as His Poiema.
Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Slow down and rest in God’s hands. God will soothe the wound and heal.. Receive the Voice He wants you to share.
Receive, Reflect, then Respond how God handles your wounds as the participant in your story.
Since we are all on this journey together, let us help each each other become the creatives we are meant to be.