
1. persist in an activity or process go on with, keep on with, proceed with, pursue; persist in/with, press on with, persevere in/with, keep up, keep at, push on with, not stop,
not give up,
2. recommence or resume after interruption.”
The beginning of my story is the definition of the word CONTINUE. I also see that “continue to” is involved in making a decision. That can be a really scary place when neither fork in the road has a clear direction or calling. Where do I go? What do I do?

Continue to Create is my story. The beauty and wonder on the path to worship and create. Suddenly a fork in my journey appeared. All directions seemed unclear, confusing, and pain-filled. The choices were not ones which seemed to allow my creative worship to flow. Do I stand still in the pain or take a chance in the possible wrong direction?
That will be for another post as to How God Really Cares About His Children. Even though I could not see into the future, His plans are full of love and redemption .
As my story unwinds, I invite you to experience this as part of your creative journey as well. You may be the budding writer, just putting your toe into the water, but wondering if anyone even really cares about your message. I know that place. I am here to encourage and challenge you to continue. You may have been on the journey for many years, but wonder why you feel dry and lifeless. God is calling you to spend time with Him. I know the emptiness of feeling unwanted. I am here to challenge and encourage you to seek the creative life God has for you by spending deep time with Him. Are you somewhere in between? I am here to encourage and challenge you in your creative call. Whatever you create will have an affect on the person who takes it in. Your input has an effect on your output. I am here to encourage and challenge you to see God’s Heart to be expressed through your art and life.
We can walk together to encourage one another. God wants to share with a possible deeper challenge if we are willing to listen.
Each post will consist of a verse or a story. These devotions offer you an opportunity for contemplation and to become more of the creative God is calling you to be. Why do this work? I believe God wants to engage our art and our lives to reflect His Truth.
- Receive the verse or story- Take it in. Read it over two or three times. If you do not connect with the version I chose, take another version (ie. Message, NIV, or Voice). In fact, if your want to use a few different texts, go ahead. This is to see what God wants to share with you. Read it over two or three times slowly.
RECEIVE! - Reflect–After you have taken the verse in, set a timer for at least 10 minutes. At first, if you are not accustomed to this, it may feel awkward. Listen to what God wants to share with you concerning what you read. This is a time to Be Still and Know that He is God.
REFLECT! - Respond–When the timer goes off and you are ready to leave this space, take the opportunity to use your gift.
RESPOND! - Creativity is expressed in many forms. Your relationship with Jesus is uniquely yours. Write a poem. Bake cookies for the neighbor. Sing while walking through the woods. Clean the bathroom for your roommate. Creativity is wonderfully expressive as we look at it through the lens of THE CREATOR.
You are a Masterpiece Created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advanced for you long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 NIV

This creative journey is wonderful. It is not always easy. We do not need to walk it alone. Prayer and support can be found here as we discover God’s Heart for our Art and Creativity.