Left alone, her mind is shaken as well as her body! “What just happened?
She could not wrap her head around what just took place. The courtyard was now empty except for the regular business of the day.
She was not alone. The other Man was still tracing his finger in the dirt. She questioned the simple gentleness about Him. Recent events with another gentle looking man now cause her very heart to ache. How could she ever trust a man again? The Pharisee’s son gave her gentleness, but it was a lie. Is this the way of ALL MEN? LIFE!!!???

Jesus stood. He cleaned the dirt from His hands for her sake, not because He would be touching her. He reached out His hand. He looked into her eyes with no malice or avarice. This was more frightening than being grabbed and dragged into the town’s square. This man looked past her eyes and into her soul.
There was always the pain of shame. Now came a deeper pain
It was from the time spent with the Pharisee’s son.
She felt un-forgiveness toward him. His lies. His deceit. His cowardice to protect her.
It was deeper rejection. This pain was new and frightfully disturbing. The multiple men using her had never really taken a portion of her heart.
The last one did. The pain riddling inside her body coursed its way through her veins. It was un- forgiveness. For the first time, she felt un-forgivness for herself. How many times had she allowed the purity of love to be stolen from her? Or had she allowed it to be taken from her only to fill a void? Either way, she began to feel a deep angst toward herself and her life. Could she ever feel complete? Whole?! Free?!?
Jesus did not leave her. He was the only man, the only person who had shown honest gentleness and true compassion. Everyone demanded something. Even the son of the Pharisee was used her.
“What do you want?” she asked. Her voice was timid, although still needing to show a trace of defiance, a trace of control.
Jesus turned His head as if looking for something and smiled.
“Woman, where are they? Does no one condemn you?”
11 “No one, Master.”
John 8:10
Jesus knew the pain in her heart. Jesus knew all the ways she had been torn apart. Jesus knew she would be stuck in her torment forever looking at men as walking creatures to lie and cause pain if she did not quit sinning. To stop sinning and be released meant to forgive herself and all involved.
Jesus looked into her eyes as no one had ever looked before.
“Neither do I,” said Jesus. “Go on your way. From now on, don’t sin.”
John 8:11
You are God’s Delight!
This Man was offering her a gift. A free gift. No one had done that before. It was a gift more wondrous than the fine robes Solomon ever wore. She had a choice to say yes or no. Once she said yes, it was a gift no one could ever take away from her. The warmth and balm of this gift would release her from the pain and emptiness trying to suffocate her life. Not always easy, but never to be taken from her.
Do you hear His Voice whispering to you? Is He looking into you heart where no one else sees? Forgiveness is so hard. We are not on this path alone.
The revelation of God is whole
and pulls our lives together.
The signposts of God are clear
and pulls our lives together.
The signposts of God are clear
and point out the right road.
The life-maps of God are right,
showing the way to joy.
The directions of God are plain
and easy on the eyes.
with a lifetime guarantee.
The decisions of God are accurate
down to the nth degree.
MSG. 19 :7-9
That’s how God’s Word vaults across the skies from sunrise to sunset, melting ice, scorching deserts,warming hearts to faith. – Psalm 19:6
The woman caught in adultery had been set free. Through the question put to her accusers, no one could throw a stone.
The conversation with THE MASTER gave this woman a new lens to look at the world. Something will be there for a long time. Scars. Scars that no one will see. These scars will take more time to heal. These are the inner wounds that come from deep tragedies. Each time the woman looks at her reflection, even though she knows she is a new creation, it may take time for that reality to sink deep into each crevice of her being. Each time she goes to get water from the well, hoping for conversations that includes her and she only receives dark stares, the question returns. “ Did The Teacher Really say I was not condemned?”
The final few days of the Lenten Season and for many of my friends means the end of the DOES GOD REALLY LOVE ME? series. 1 will be upon us. Easter and New Life Celebration will begin.
The woman was given new life. We are have been given new life. It is not a flip switch change. It is a daily discovery of who we are and the Identity God has freed.
How is this being walked out in your creativity? Is your new identity a daily experience or at times a question mark? We are all on this journey together to help each other along. If you wish to share , leave a comment .or join my Facebook page for prayer and discussion. https://www.facebook.com/worshipcreatedream/

1Thank you Vineyard Church for the great meditation series this Lenten Season.