A beautiful morning, the clouds and rain finally pulled aside. I enjoyed the sun and I took in the colors of fall. Delight in the now and BE PRESENT!
How can you BE Present? Delight in the NOW?!? Does it come naturally or is it a result of hard work? What is the need for BEING PRESENT anyway?
When I asked in my last post, is- Your Creative Process-Dry or Rich? https://sandiaackerman.com/your-creative-process-dry-or-rich/, how did you answer that question? I am afraid it is far too easy to go day by day by day without a reply. The creativity, the writing, the work of each day continues without a break. You are only spilling out. Are you ever drinking in?
Does God Really Care?
God is very interested in this equation. As creators and artists, we are reflections of His Heart and His ART. Look at the colors of the trees in fall, the sun dancing on the water, the art-full flowers. All are intended gifts for us.
Slow down in God”s Beauty. Be Present and listen.
16 For God expressed His love for the world in this way: He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not face everlasting destruction, but will have everlasting life.
John 3:16 The Voice
God gives us Beauty, Creativity, Art. As I read John 3;16, the ultimate reason for these gifts are to share His Ultimate Gift of Love. The world says “Go fast! Compete! Finish First!” It is in pain. It suffers. The Scriptures encourage a life to “Serve! Give! Go Last!”
Can these two opposites live in an creative’s world?
God’s love cares about His Poema. It is the process of the production that will have an effect on the end result. It is important to BE PRESENT to the Heart and Place God is taking you, Are you slowing down to listen?
Slow Down-To Be Present!
In Emily P Freeman’s book, The Next Right Thing https://nextrightthingbook.com/ , there are suggestions how to “slow down” and be present. One is to be present to your surroundings. On my walks in the morning, I try not to multitask with exercise and a teaching. I listen to the silence around me, I take in the birds, the rustling of the wind through the dry leaves, God’s Voice. This is giving space to connect with God and listen to His Heart.

Walk in the silence and listen to God’s voice. Can you be present to the gift of His Love for you? Engage.
How can you create, be productive and listen to God’s heart? Community, Contemplation and Creativity. God does not move away from His original plan for you. Engage in HIS Heart and Art! Take a walk and Take His hand to be present in the Joy He has for you.
I would enjoy hearing the results of your walks and talks. Can you hear the Call of His Voice?

This is good.
Thanks for the slowing down and taking it in. Enjoy the day.
[…] Is being a beginner a shameful feeling for you? As I prepared for the small group I am leading, I came upon a chapter, and it yelled, “Sandi this is you”. Here is a quote from ‘BE A BEGINNER https://sandiaackerman.com/how-important-is-it-to-be-present/ […]