What is God saying to you? Do the gifts make you Awesome? Is it what you can do that makes you a real zinger?
Start out with WHOSE you are and WHO you are. That is what makes you AWESOME. If you are a Son or Daughter of the King, you are awesome. Continually dwelling on the junk to be rooted out will forever keep your eyes on you. Forever dwelling on trying to reach the next huge goal will lead to a draining life. Instead what does the Creator say about you? What does He want you to share?
The words on our page need to reflect His Faithfulness in our times of faithlessness. Give life stories which are filled with Joy and Hope to a world crying out for truth.
Read this encouragement. Spend time with God. How does He see you? Allow God to reveal the deep dreams just waiting to be released.

1 Tozer, A. W. (2007-02-28). The Set of the Sail (Kindle Locations 155-157). Moody Publishers. Kindle Edition.
Be free to share your thoughts either here in the comments or start a discussion on my Facebook page. Creativity can be lonely and the enemy wants to isolate us. We are here to encourage to be what God created us to be.
I am awesome because I don’t let fear stop me from trying new things.
And yes, you are certainly correct that it’s way easier to write what I’m NOT awesome at than what I’m good at. Thanks for this reminder!
Thanks for sharing Anna. When we realize the awesomeness is from Jesus, it is easier to let the gifts flow. The enemy cannot stop that. 🙂