Day Five
8–10 “Listen, dear ones—get this straight; O Israel, don’t take this lightly.
Don’t take up with strange gods, don’t worship the latest in gods.
I’m God, your God, the VERY GOD who rescued you from doom in Egypt
Then fed you all you could eat, filled your hungry stomachs.
Psalm 81 MSG
Return to your fantastic first connection with Jesus. There was a whirlwind of NEVER-ENDING JOY. Your dependency was exact. Your sacrifice of praise and worship was exclusively for Him. The abundant freedom was just like the dance by Miriam after the Israelites went through the Red Sea. (Exodus 15:20)
Now creativity has entered your world. You recognize it is a gift to express what is inside. Where previous surroundings were a source of bondage, doors are open wide. Once you needed to act in certain ways for acceptance. Now those limitations no longer restrict your activities.
The Israelites rejoiced in their freedom until the cost started to rise. Hunger, sore feet, thirst, desert as far as the eye could see. Complaints began. Questions flared—
“Where is the promised land”?
The bold sharp dream of the PROMISE LAND slowly lost it’s clear focus for all except the ones who kept their hearts steadfast on the GIVER of the PROMISE.

Has your life slowly given way to shadows? The once clear dreams and direction lack clarity?
Is your stomach empty? Have the unyielding dreams you once had, lost their sharp clarity? It does not happen all at once. The strange gods will try to entice you away from your first LOVE. These latest gods do not take obvious shapes. Their luring call will be very obscure at first, almost unnoticeable. If not in touch with a deep, close relationship with God and His love for you, everything will get out of focus. Slowly at first, but then…. Well read on
Are you aware of what happens to your vision when cataracts occurs?—
At first, the cloudiness in your vision caused by a cataract may affect only a small part of the eye’s lens and you may be unaware of any vision loss. As the cataract grows larger, it clouds more of your lens and distorts the light passing through the lens. This may lead to more noticeable symptoms. Symptoms to cateracts from Mayo Clinic
A once clear vision is slowly covered by a filmy cast. Does this sound like what is around your soul? What was once joyful praise is slowly covered by the need for applause of man to feed you. Deadlines, Performance, Envy, directs the goal to some promised land instead of a life reflecting the Love Relationship with the PROMISED ONE.
God will not allow anyone or anything to sit in His place on the altar. God will not even allow anything or anyone to sit next to Him on the altar.
I am the One Who Rescued You!
Allow yourself to rest in the arms of the One Who loves you and gave to you that special gift. The shadow covering your dreams is not God’s Heart for you. He is the One who rescued you.
God’s Love is free and gentle. Allow Him to do surgery. His desire for you is to walk a clear path, know His Truth and reflect His Heart.

RECEIVE: His Love If anyone or anything is taking His Space, what will you do?
REFLECT: Upon His Love for you. Return to the crazy excitement of your First Love. How does that affect your creativity? No shame! How do you feel? What steps need to change for the Space to be THE CREATOR’S ALONE
RESPOND: through your genre to the time you spend with God. What did you receive from Him?