Never Leave You
6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
New International Version
6 Be strong and brave, and don’t tremble in fear of them, because the Eternal your God is going with you. He’ll never fail you or abandon you!
The Voice
These texts are found in Deuteronomy 31.
I have chosen you, not thrown you away!”
10 So don’t be afraid. I am here, with you;
don’t be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, help you.
I am here with My right hand to make right and to hold you up.
Isaiah 41:9c-10, The Voice
In my recent post, I wrote from the verse in Psalm 23 dealing with the valley of shadows but (always with the but) not being afraid. I ask the question… How does one deal with dark shadows, the fear, and not becoming dismayed and continually STAY BRAVE?

Psalm 23 promises that God will never leave us. He guides us through the dark shadows and leads us to rest in the Green Valley.
Welcome to the Real World.
We cannot walk into, out of, or through the dark shadows of the pandemic, racial unrest, and political challenges of the past year pretending to go back to the way things were before. Life has changed. Loss has occurred in many fashions. Grief is a shadow we may not want to acknowledge, but (there is that word again) the sooner we give ourselves permission to realize this truth, the sooner we will get on to the next phase of God’s life.
I Will Never Leave You in the Journey.
Coming out of the “new normal” into the new “new normal” has caused an ache in the pit of my stomach. Activities with other people that flowed easily during the pre-mask era for me are no longer comfortable. I am now asking myself, “WHY was I doing certain activities before?” “Are these roadblocks of my own making, or is God dealing with deeper issues?” This is where the “brave and courageous” bit comes in. I can’t walk this path by myself. Even if the roadblocks are of my own making, they still need to be dealt with. I don’t know where this path is leading, but the one taking my hand says “I will never leave you in the journey!”
What does this path look like?
I am constantly asking you, my readers, as well as myself, “How is God calling us as His creatives to respond to His Voice, to His Heart? For me, as an introvert and Type 4 in the Enneagram, that calling is very different than one year ago. Changes, and grief in response to those changes, have affected me. It feels as though I am emptying out, so God can reconstruct me.
He Soothes My Fears.
Psalm 23 has impacted me in many ways. This was a response I wrote to both a Women’s conference and a Creative Arts conference I went to in the Spring. (The benefits of Covid and Zoom connection.) I was amazed that, in both conferences, God called His precious ones to come to the banqueting table and sit with Him. Eat and rest to be restored. As we are filled with His Words, Courage, and Love, we will express His truth in ways that will speak to the soul. But (there is that BUT), WE need to sit at the table and receive first.

This photo and post were taken from an Instagram post I wrote dealing with Psalm 23. God will never leave us.
“So many facets from six lines. God has a banquet of just the right foods YOU need at this exact time. One simple request—come to the table.
These first three lines taken from the Voice version may have a unique approach, but Creatives, Artists, and Friends, I ask you to sit quietly and receive what God wants to share with you.
God always cares, even in the times I feel alone, or especially if I feel unworthy. The care depends, not on me, but on the Shepherd. 🌸🌸🌸🌸
He soothes my fears.
This is being honest that the fear really does exist, and it may not even automatically disappear. I can be real about my fear in His presence, without shame, and I can breathe.
It is in His Love I am whole, I can breathe, and walk the creative journey where truth and righteousness echo His Name.
Creatives, Artists, and Friends, sit quietly and receive what God wants to share with you.
Let’s Keep Walking.
Creatives, Artists, and Friends, give yourselves permission to acknowledge what is taking place within as you are walking into the new “new normal”. Listen to God’s Voice saying, “I will never leave you.” Reflect this through your art and life with the world. Chances are, someone needs to hear it.