Interesting tidbits I am learning
This has been really a tough season since March. What interesting tidbits am I learning throughout this time which I can share with you? Even though the main quarantine limits will be lifted, will some normalcy return? 😏 We still need to be six feet apart when shopping. Small gatherings can meet, but of course, only less than 10 people and wearing those masks. Actually, I am wondering if the real challenge is about to begin? OK, on to the interesting tidbits I am learning.
Obvious positive interesting tidbits for me
At times, this journey has been a wonderful adventure with my camera, engaging in the beauty God shares with me.

Pain on a rainy day
What happens on a rainy day when I cannot walk outside? Normally, I would have walked in the Skywalk or another covered area, but Covid said NO. Even though I am an introvert, I do know the feeling of cold, rainy, dreary blahs! (Extroverts. I am sorry for your pain.) At this point, I understand a better definition of the boxed-in reality of the word QUARANTINE:
“noun: quarantine
a state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed.”
If doors are closed, and you need to stay in, you may be forced to gaze upon something that is usually overlooked, or possibly unnoticed for a long time. The dust bunnies, books piling in the corner, papers shuffled, other spring cleaning activities. 😩
Interesting technical tidbit I am learning (actually, a tidbit about myself)
My challenges did not limit themselves to simply spring cleaning activities, however. I had time to look over a technical issue on my post that was causing me great frustration. I became aware of something and I wanted to fix it.. It was mocking me, glaring in how supreme it was by its capabilities to know something beyond me. At least, that is how it felt through my annoyance.
Dust bunnies and piles of books are easy to deal with. CLEAN THEM UP or PUT THEM AWAY. This technical problem, on the other hand, was more of a battle with a dishonest attacker.
Learning about what to do when challenges get too tough
The question became a personal battle for me to find an answer. It was controlling my time and my writing. The verse “seek and you shall find” was not happening. Then a second nosedive happened. Was my calling to write just a dream?
Just because the path is rough, that does not mean it is the wrong one.
The path is not always clear. The one God chooses for us is not always free from challenges, but with His guidance, we are always safe. I was anxious and second-guessed if God really said I could do this because of the problems I was experiencing. Do you get in one of those spots? What God is really saying is:
“Be still, be calm, see, and understand I am the True God.
Psalm 46:10a Voice
Can you just hear your voice respond “BUT BUT BUT”?
Slow down and breathe- All arguments which sound so reasonable for you not going forward are really just the sound of small twigs cracking as you walk the path with God.
I started listening to a book called Don’t Loose Heart by Jayson Mayer. He mentioned we might get so caught up in anxiety because we look at life using unbalanced scales. Put your problem in one end of the scale and The Almighty in the other. We know God is capable of handling the problem. After all, didn’t He create the world? Why don’t we bring that greatness into our lives?
Such wonderful, interesting tidbits to learn
During the slow, rainy days when I was kept in, this techno challenge came to a head, but it was not the main problem. Because there was space, internal questions arose concerning my calling? I allowed another source to define my ability to create.instead of going to God for His assurance in who I am as His Poiema., In times as these there is a deeper question. Am I willing to listen to God’s Voice and hear, ” I see you,. I love you.”?
With this best interesting tidbit, for forth and Continue to Create.

Past post dealing with challenges during the virus.
This is so good Sandi. Continue to keep hearing and seeing and sharing. You are indeed God’s poimea and mine too! God IS the God who created the universe and everything in it. He IS always for us and with us, no matter what, maybe even especially when we don’t see it or feel it. We have to seek it, believe it and know it and from that place is where we find true freedom, acceptance and grace. Yes, we argue and we doubt but as a result of you being brave and obedient and sharing your writing, we have hope. Love to you!
Thank you for sweet words. As we open our hearts to God’s Heart and Voice in all of our life, as creatives, it will flow. Be rich as well my friend and Continue to Create as the Poiema you are called to be. 🙂
The art for this blog is really amazing! I can tell you put a lot into them! And this part…” Slow down and breathe- All arguments which sound so reasonable for you not going forward are really just the sound of small twigs cracking as you walk the path with God. ”
So so good… Loving this so much!
Slowing down and listening does not mean not going forward. It does mean listening to the one Who really loves you as you are walking. What is God saying? It may not be answering the question you are asking but you will receive the answer that is needed. 🙂
Not sure if this posted, so just in case I’m posting again!
For starters, I love the art in this! I could tell you put a lot of work into it! Second, this quote: “Slow down and breathe- All arguments which sound so reasonable for you not going forward are really just the sound of small twigs cracking as you walk the path with God. ”