- 1. having or showing the qualities or abilities that merit recognition in a specified way: “issues worthy of further consideration”

These powerful words were sent to the church in Ephesus. The letter was one of four written by Paul while he was under house arrest in Rome. During that time, Paul wrote what some call his Prison Epistles, (the letters sent to the Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon).
After Paul’s conversion, he was dedicated to carrying the message of God’s love, grace and truth to every Jew and Gentile. He knew firsthand of the love of God and wanted this great freedom to be experienced by everyone.
A road block came up. Paul was arrested and put under house arrest in Rome. Think about the initial inner battle Paul might have gone through. Picture yourself as a very active person, with really good news that you want to share. Suddenly, you are told you cannot leave your house. I don’t think it was smooth sailing, but Paul’s desire to share God’s heart put him into a listening and receiving position. He used Jesus as his role model for obedience. It was out of that relationship and love that the letters were written. We still benefit from these writings on our own spiritual journeys.
Has your God-guided ministry just suddenly completely changed? Did the path you were walking on take an unexpected left turn, become foggy, or completely drop off ? HUGE questions rise inside as you are dealing with the chaos… Possibly, God in His mercy asks you, “Who is really in charge of the ministry? Who is really in control of the worship?” How will you respond?

A change in my own path.
My deep longing after taking Jesus into my heart has been to share what I received. I am a Type 4 in the Enneagram and if you have any idea what that means, you understand that I feel everything VERY INTENSELY. My earliest expression of sharing this wonderful love from Jesus was through singing. Singing in high school was a natural way for me to express inner creativity. I enjoyed the opportunity of singing in college. To share the love of Jesus through vocal worship was a natural flow and it set my heart free.
A day came, however, when a decision was made, and the rest of my life changed. I was forced to discover a place of forgiveness that only God knew existed. It took years of walking with God, talking with God, crying out to God to eventually find that place of peace and freedom. I still loved God and wanted to serve Jesus more than anything, but I had to choose to keep my face turned to Jesus instead of away from Him. (I will not claim that strength.) As I walked that foggy path, questions as to my worth, my value, even how I was to worship, or if I would ever publicly worship again hit me from all sides.
What happened?!?!?

The path is foggy and you ask all kinds of questions as to what is going on?!?!
You may ask “Was I in a car accident? Did I have lung cancer? Did something so physically radical happen to me to change my life?” No, nothing quite that complete. One day, the worship leader of the church came to me and simply said I was no longer needed. Even as I type these words, they seem odd. “No longer needed?” I hesitantly asked if I had sinned or had done something wrong. At that point, because sharing God’s love in this fashion was so much a part of who I was, I NEEDED AN ANSWER. Something that made sense. ANYTHING!!!
No answer came. For a long time no answers came that made sense. What did come?
When solid answers did not come, did not make sense, I could only keep walking forward. I took God’s hand. I kept looking at Jesus.
What words do I say?
I began taking steps in writing and photography. Singing had been my main genre of creativity. Vocal expression was the safe and comfortable way in sharing the intensity of God’s joy and freedom. It was familiar. Now I am walking into a new creative expression of worship, where I need to learn a whole new language. It does not flow freely or easily. There are irrational battles of comparison, perfectionism, and acceptance that were not around before. It is harder and I am older so the techno challenges really get to me.
God is asking me to express His heart, share His love, in brand new ways!!!
Could God be telling me I need to depend on Him? Who is in charge? Who is in control?
If I do not take a step on the path, whether it is foggy or long and confusing, I will not go anywhere or share anything. Who is in charge of the ministry? Who is in control the worship?
Paul did not allow the circumstances of being under house arrest to keep him from continually walking on the path even though he did not leave his house for two years. Who was in charge? Who was in control?

I will take His Hand.
To live the life worthy of your calling, discover who you are. If you are a Son or Daughter of the King, you never walk your path alone. Just as seasons change, our lives will be expressed in different colors, but the firm foundation of THE CREATOR will never change.

My calling of sharing God’s Heart and to worship Him has not changed. The LOVE, JOY, GRACE, AND TRUTH I receive has to pour out. I hope to use this space to encourage you to do the same. Give yourself permission to grieve where it is necessary. Open yourself up to the new season God is calling you into. Continue to Create and Live Worthy of the Calling you Received.
Please feel free to share how God is moving in you, your creation and creativity.

Beautifully written ♥️♥️
Thank you for engaging. Go forth and live!