Are my words acceptable ? Not always. 🙁
Admittedly, there are times my words are not what I would call “acceptable”. Why? They are just not full of God’s PEACE! I’m not only referring to spoken or written words. This also includes swirling ones in my head.. It can busy in there as I try to organize my post, edit it how many times (still a newby at this), and then all the extra house things. It gets very hectic and so how do I clean it out? This thought.

Be still and Know that I am God. (not Sandi). Enjoy My Gifts. Take your words and thoughts and direct them towards Me. Receive My Peace.
At times, it would be easier to pass the buck as far as who is in charge of what filters in and out of our minds. On one hand, we would like to think random thoughts just come and go, however I feel God has given us a bit more control. Is it possible that we have at least some control as to what surrounds us? ( TV, Movies, Social Media) .As a result of inputs, does it affect your output?
Also, how do you start your day? As a result of spending at least five minutes with God, listening to His heart and voice for you, how might your day be different? Just close your eyes and think about bringing THE CREATOR into the start of your day. Take a deep breath, stretch out your hand, and enter into His Presence. God wants to meet you.
Needs to be done more than once a day.
Now if you do this once in the AM, are you good with ‘TAKING EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE’ for the rest of the day? AHHH NO! 🙂 Why do it more during the day? LIFE HAPPENS! It comes at us from all angles. With LIFE HAPPENING. the choice comes again, What will I allow to come into my brain so the words of my mouth (and what is in my heart) will be acceptable?
First, when I say acceptable, what is your definition of this word and acceptable to whom? Consider this, are your words (spoken or not) truly. reflecting the ongoing relationship you have with God? So when I say LIFE HAPPENS, this is where the decision of how to spend time comes, Obviously what you allow in will affect your words.
How you spend your time affects your words (making them acceptable.)
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”
A. J. Tozer
A discussion from Mr. Tozer on Leadership brings a good question for discussion. What do I surround myself with? Because that is what will be expressed. ” We are taking prisoners of every thought, every emotion, and subduing them into obedience to the Anointed One.” 2Corintians 10:5b There is a battle going on. Who is winning?
LIFE HAPPENS. So, when I am walking through pain and life is not fun, yes my brain is doing things I don’t like. But I have choices. God has not left my side. In fact, the truth is, there is a battle being fought on my behalf.
God says to open up to His Presence and express His words. Open up to how He sees me. Furthermore, God asks me to Reflect Words that Are Acceptable to Him.
Beautiful Blossoms reflect acceptable words. Furious River reflects acceptable words. Gentle Colors reflect acceptable words. Love reflects acceptable words.
Though I am sad or bothered, I have options, so LIFE HAPPENING does not have the final say. At times I go to past photos where something good speaks to my heart. I sit in Papa’s Presence and delight in the joy of His gifts to me. Out of the fullness in what I receive comes my offering to others. These blessings are my:

14 May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to you,
Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14 (CSB)
With that being said, as creatives, God may ask you to join Him in the dance, sharing His Joy with others. Even when LIFE HAPPENS, His hand is outstretched to you. When He asks for your hand, how will you respond with your words?
I would love to read about your challenges in creating and life. This is a site of community to help and encourage all creatives in their walk and point to contemplation and prayer (to receive life). Comments are welcome here, ,my Facebook page, or on Instagram.
We are all on this journey together!