There is no difference between Sunday and Wednesday.
What do you mean there is no difference between Sunday and Wednesday? You may say, “Of course there is, Sandi. Sunday is the Sabbath where I go to church and worship God. Wednesday is the day I am deep in the middle of my workweek. I am constructing posts, newsletters, and podcasts. I am also being a good housewife and mother. Did I forget to mention, on Sunday I get to rest after the busy work? 🙂
You could also be one of my readers who create in a different venue. Do you express your creativity through stage designs or in helping customers in a bookstore? Could your workweek be filled with creating adventures for young people as a teacher? Sunday may still be seen as the church day of rest.
OK, so, you can see I am trying to be more creative-inclusive in this post by not leaving out anyone. As you know, as far as I am concerned, creating is part of everything. In addition to that, I believe God is part of everything. Read that statement again slowly for it might actually be the first step of transformation for you.

The butterfly reminds us that in transformation, God takes us on an adventure to become what we are meant to be.

God is in everything. As a result of that statement, could this be taking the first step of your transformation this year? If so, do you see a bright path?

Or is the path a bit challenging and gray with some unclear feelings?
Don’t worry whether the path looks bright or unclear, because you are not alone.
God is in everything and a part of everyday life.
It can be very difficult to keep centered in THE CREATOR past Sunday. The service may speak directly to your soul, as it meets a deep prayer need, and then Monday hits. Does the special-ness of the previous day seems to go by the wayside until it finally rolls around again? Meanwhile, as the new decade is unfolding, be open to another unfolding. What if God is drawing you to discover Him on Monday IN EVERYTHING and how HE absolutely is a PART OF EVERYDAY LIFE throughout the whole week.
This quote from Christine Aronoey-Sine opens a door to God”s intimate relationship with your creativity and life not only on Sunday but all through the week.
Life isn’t static, and our practices shouldn’t be either. They eventually lose their meaning and enriching power. Transformative practices reshape and revitalize our faith and restore our delight in God. These are highly creative and cut across the accepted way of doing things.
The Gift of Wonder
Hard questions. No Answers.
🙁 These are hard questions and no easy answers, but I don’t want to give you my answers either. This post is a community site for interaction and engaging. So what are your thoughts for the new year and your creativity? How do you bring God into your life and craft? Is there time in the week where you slow down to listen for His Voice? Are you familiar with Transformative practices for you and your art? If so, what has worked for you?
Jesus brought God into everyday activities even when it looked odd or out of place. He used mud and spit to heal a blind man. Water became the best wine Cana had ever enjoyed at a wedding feast. People were hungry and Jesus fed the HUGE crowd with a couple loaves of bread and fish. Jesus brought the reality of God”s love to people in normal life. He brought the PRESENCE OF GOD, not only on the Sabbath or in the temple but throughout the week.
God wants to bring HIS PRESENCE to the world, so could He use you and your creativity to show there is no difference between Sunday and Wednesday? A simple fisherman(Peter), a simple nun(Mother Teresa), a simple preacher(Martin Luther King, Jr.), were all very ordinary people who heard God’s Voice and said Yes. We are simple people with whom God is sharing that same Voice. What would happen in this new decade if we said ‘YES‘?

I have felt God saying paint! Just paint! And so I am starting this new year and new decade with Thursday as the day I paint. I plan to be intentional, disciplined and protective of this day! And I love that God is leading me into this!
This is exciting. Start the time out in God’s hand and it will be great to see what flows. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
[…] you bring God into the rest of your week? Remember there is no difference between the engagement with God on Sunday and the rest of the week […]