Personal Wounds help light not only our path, but frequently the paths of others as well.
“In a futile attempt to erase our past, we deprive the community of our healing gift. If we conceal our wounds out of fear and shame, our inner darkness can neither be illuminated nor become a light for others.”
Brennan Manning.
Manning’s quote begins our next journey as we look into personal wounds, various ways we choose to deal with them and how that actually affects not only us but those around us.
Personal Pains and Wounds can be confusing.
Do you remember reading the book of Job in the Old Testament? Usually, I had the hardest time connecting the “love of God” with the horrible circumstances laid upon this faithful servant whenever I read those chapters. I am glad to say, I received a blessing to share with my latest read. But I will start with the pain.
Here is a small list of the many wounds Job dealt with. It is important for you to realize they seemed to happen at once: 1) Raiders came and stole his stock, 2) Natural disasters just erupted and destroyed all his crops, 3) His children were killed from a random storm, while at a party, 4) Encouragement from friends sounded more like, “Fess up buddy, what sin did you commit? Just confess and die.” Not a particularly easy time for Job to say “I love you Lord. Thank You.”
Where is God? Does He Really Care about My Wounds?
I truly hope none of your experiences are as bad as this, but a wound is a wound. Pain is pain, no matter what the circumstances. With the challenges of the virus right now or whatever you are going through, in truth, do you ever ask if God is doing the same thing with you as He did with Job? Possibly you begin to wonder, does God even care?
Major personal wounds blocking the Light.
What are some of your wounds and pain?
- Trouble with the virus, and you can’t create?
- Did God call me to create, and no one understands?
- Family and life are very chaotic. Where is God?
- Fill in this _______
Job lost EVERYTHING, plus, he was surrounded by so-called friends that were judgemental. Did anyone say, “Hey, Job, I am really sorry about your situation. How can I help?”
When experiencing personal pain and the wound is so deep, where do you seek comfort? As you walk this path, where do you go for a clear, clean answer?
God’s Response to Job’s Personal Wound.
Job knew there was only One who had the answer for his PAIN. His approach though, was to ask God to fit the answer within his box of understanding. (Actually, don’t we all seem to approach God on our terms at times?) Consider how God’s love may come through a different lens.
How does that affect your Personal Wound?
After God’s LONG inquiry as to Job’s presence or involvement to all of CREATION and it’s intricacies, this was Job’s reply.
5 Before I knew only what I had heard of You,
but now I have seen YOU.
Job 42 The Voice.

6 Therefore I realize the truth: I disavow and mourn all I have said and repent in dust and ash.
Job 42 The Voice
Reread Manning’s quote through your own creative life. Are you true to being God’s Poiema if you hide in your personal wounds? Job LOST EVERYTHING. Furthermore, he was met with unfair accusations, yet Job went to his True Source for help.
My Personal Path
Vocal worship was my life. I joyfully felt being on a worship team was my creative calling, but I am not in charge of how I worship or my creativity.
One Sunday, the worship leader said I was no longer needed. PAIN!!! I was devastated. Just as Job, I could see no sensible reason for this action to take place.
But, trying to handle my own wound is putting God in a box and finding an answer that fits my understanding. God is the Creator of the Cosmos. He sees beyond my understanding. He knows reality and truth behind the cause and actions for all activities.
When we try to hide our wounds because of shame, fear, or anger, who is REALLY in charge? Is this a declaration saying, “God, I don’t trust you. I am now in control.” If in my heart, I try to heal my own pain, I am not being real or honest. Yes, speaking to the pain may open your heart to taking a risk, but as you discover in reading the final two chapters of Job, the risk can be worth it.
As I spent time with God, I discovered an answer to His Love deeper than I expected. “Therefore I realize the truth”.
So during this Lenten Season slow down and try Lectio Devina or Visio Divina concerning your wounds. Receive, Reflect, and Respond as God’s light becomes your path.

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