Prayer to say yes to the Changes and Challenges
Looking into the sky, Father God, how will I say yes to the changes and challenges that crashed in on me the last few years? I cannot do this on my own so please be my guide.
This continues to be my prayer as the time has come to step forward and share with you what I received during the Pandemic and beyond. You may think you are far from having any interest in memories pointing to that time period. I understand, but as creatives seeking to expand and go deeper in our relationship with God, consider this:
Shouldn’t we always be open to say yes to the changes and challenges when God is doing the asking?
If you have not read any of my earlier posts in Continue to Create, let me introduce myself. My name is Sandi and I am a creator, but it does not stop there. This creativity has a very specific purpose which is to:
Say Yes to the Changes and Challenges.
- Worship God
- Spend time listening to His Heart
- Reflect
- Respond to what I receive
How does this say yes to the changes and challenges?
The pandemic brought painful times of emotional dark experiences. The loneliness quickened inner questions to the surface. Could it also be this space was meant for a refuge when God said, “Come away and spend time with Me”?
During my own time of mandatory aloneness, I took long walks and listened to podcasts from Stephen Roach . Stephen’s talks and interviews opened my eyes to my own path for worship and creativity. Time was not filled with the quick buzz and need to perform. Instead, God was calling for a deeper relationship with His artists to receive from THE CREATOR.
My response to say YES
When the pandemic was over, fear rose inside. I personally enjoyed my quiet times with God. Feeling safe in a type of bubble shuddered at the thought of past pains and misunderstandings to disrupt my peace. God quieted those fears by sharing the gift I received through the podcast was not meant for me alone. Out of my vacuum I felt God asked me to create space for artists to listen to His Heart. This response was my Yes to the change and to walk in new challenges.

Thank you for your daily blogging efforts, Sandi. You have filled my heart with what I needed to hear. My cup now overfloweth.
It is a challenge yet also a delight to walk the path God opens up for me. Thank you for joining. We are all on this journey together.
I found your comment on Hope*Writers and then found your blog. Thank you for sharing from your heart. Such great words and wisdom. Looking forward to reading more posts! 🙂
I am sorry about the long time before a reply. I am trying to get back to my writing. Thank you for your kind words. My new posts will reflect a different adventure for the creative. “God’s Heart Through Your Art”. I hope it will of interest to you.