How do you slow down and listen?

As you envision the sights, sounds, and rush of the season, how do you slow down and listen? During this final week before Christmas, I want to take this post and share in the audio form of creativity. In this fast paced world, do we really HEAR the music?
When you get into the car for shopping, or do the final cookies, does your hand hit the Christmas Music station? Like it or not, you cannot go anywhere without hearing holiday songs flowing ALMOST everywhere. If that is the case, will you engage in a contemplative time with God through the blessing of this music?
What would happen if you actually slowed down to hear the creative expression with the song? Instead of rushing, give yourself permission to breathe. Slowly, listen again and take this song into your soul, listen for words you might not have heard the first time. As you relax, open yourself to engage deeper and deeper into the piece. You will eventually land in the resting place where God freely shares truth and you experience His mighty love.
Audio Divina means “SACRED LISTENING”.
As a result of previous teachings, have you ever come in contact with this type of devotion as a way to engage with music? There are so many BEAUTIFUL musical opportunities to connect with God. Which is your choice?
In the magazine Patheos, Christine Valters Paintner, describes a spiritual practice entitled Audio Divina, which is “sacred listening”. As you read this article, she will guide you through four unique ways of “slowing down and engaging” while listening to a musical piece. My description is only a brief journey of this practice. With everything from a simple rendition of Silent Night to the rousing, full thunder of the Hallelujah Chorus, there is so much to engage with. Take advantage of all the Christmas music that is readily available during this holiday season! What adventures await in the New Year as you become comfortable with “Audio Divina”?

Slow down and listen. Allow all of your senses to engage as you completely take in the music.
Effects on Creativity.
Blaring horns, loud sirens, alarms going off too early. These are not pleasant sounds and their jarring effect can be quite negative. What if you take control of a sound through a song and walked on a journey? However, to truly enjoy this practice, there is no need to be an audio creative. Just allow yourself to come, walk slowly deeper and deeper in, to receive everything God wants to share with you.
What Is Your Result?
This is a Community, Create, Contemplative website which means, please feel free to share the results of your time with God. As you learn and share, we can learn from you.
These are past posts dealing with slowing down and intimate dealing with God. The first is to slow down and engage through words and the second is to slow down and engage through the visual arts.
Enjoy as you walk through these final days of preparation for Christmas, but keep saying yes to the journey God is setting before you.