Slow Down, Listen to what you’re saying. As a creator we go on and on with words, art, drawings that will SAY SOMETHING. At least I think that is why you are creating. Or maybe you are doing this artistic thing because you need the money. Well, I know there are more lucrative ways to pay bills.
Do you ever slow down to spend time with Our Creator and ask Him about what His “next right thing” for you might be? In Emily P. Freeman”s THE NEXT RIGHT THING (I know I am referring to her book a lot, but what can I say, it is good!!!) there are more than one chapter concerning “slowing down”. Be present. Listen.
A Problem If You Slow Down.
Is what you are saying on the screen, the podcast, through painting, pottery, a reflection of your reality or does it portray a never ending rut? Do you ‘PRODUCE’ to meet a quota, fulfill a certain need, to JUST DO? A problem with “slowing down” may happen when you calm down to breathe. You might become scared as reality starts to swirl around. Why? Because, God could be showing you a calling or vocation that may be different than your present reality. Funny how you don’t see certain things when you are on constant move or auto pilot.
Are you willing to slow down and be God’s Artist? God’s Voice?

As you slow down, is there anxiety? What are you saying to yourself? Maybe more anxiety is showing up than before you slowed down. As creatives, do you sit and wonder if you actually see life through a different lens. My friend, I am here to tell you, we are different. If you want to see the artist’s passion of the past, and present go here for a start. God is calling His artists to slow down and LISTEN TO His Heart. This slowing down means being present and aware to the wonder around us. It means denying the speed of productivity for the sacrifice of praise.
Purple flocks Clover Brown and Green Leaves greeting fall
Slowing Down “The Lord Is My Shepherd”.
In a recent post, I went into depth the many reasons for slowing down. With the coming of the holiday season, it is even more important to slow down and listen. Where is your creativity coming from? For example, take a look at the life you are expressing. Does it reflect the calm waters where your shepherd is leading or are you the master of the art?
If slowing down initially causes anxiety, who are you listening too? A still quiet Voice may be asking, “Who is in charge of this creativity?” Are you able to relax and open your hand to listen?

Slow Down. Receive the beauty and gift God is sharing with you.
This a place for Community, Creativity and Contemplation. All of our lives are a POEMA. We create in a variety of ways. How is God making you more aware of that in your life? I would love to hear how your life is expressed as God’s Poema. You are also welcome to visit my Instagram and Facebook page.