Slow Down to Handle Your Wounds During Lent.
How do you slow down to handle your wounds during Lent? The empty stomach that growls and torments you through the day. Not to mention, possibly the mental withdrawal as you go cold turkey from video games or coffee. It can be a real sacrifice, but what is actually going on inside of you?
Did you slow down to make this choice?
Le me as you a question? Why did you choose the Lenten object, sacrifice or fast you are working with? Was it just to QUIT SOMETHING? Or was the choice to draw nearer to God?
Could God use this time to say :
“I am asking you to slow down.”
28 Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Put My yoke upon your shoulders—it might appear heavy at first, but it is perfectly fitted to your curves. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. When you are yoked to Me, your weary souls will find rest. 30 For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30 Voice
This action does not come naturally. An actual thought process and action needs to take place. UGH. Sandi, this yoke business does not sound like fun. If you think about life, we are yoked to something. Personally, I would rather walk yoked together with Jesus, as He carries the major load.
When we walk with the “yoke” connected to Jesus, we can grow and learn by His example. Then, when the wounds of life attack, we are really free to become the person God created us be.
Slow Down: Choose How to Walk the Steps.
Is your time of fasting just a bucket list of activities to check off? Do you believe God delights in meeting with you? He wants to spend time with you. This does not need to be a season where you just can’t. Possibly, it can even turn into a season where you get to! Doesn’t that sound more fun? But the question still beckons… HOW?
Slow down and don’t race up the stairs through this Lenten Season. Take it one step at a time to see God’s blessings along the way.
Finding God in Silence and Solitude by Brian Brinkert, was one of our weekend messages. Slowing down and listening will draw you into a depth where walking with the yoke becomes less a chore and more an engagement of life. The idea is to choose how to walk the steps.
Be free to worship. To be truly free to worship, means take time and spend it with the only One who can truly set you free. If you don’t slow down and really walk up each stair, one step at a time, instead of racing, taking three at a crack, you might miss the entire reason for the climb. Yes, the end result may be to get to the top, but what if there is a flower along the side?

What if a secret message was left for you by a previous traveler? So, take God’s hand on each step and receive.
Slow Down: Taste and See the Lord is Good.
Slow Down to see the Lord is SO GOOD. Jesus is the bread of life.
. 33 The bread of God comes down out of heaven and breathes life into the cosmos.
Jesus: 35 I am the bread that gives life. If you come to My table and eat, you will never go hungry. Believe in Me, and you will never go thirsty.
John 6, Voice
Jesus states He is the very essence of life.
During lent, are you hungry and trying to handle your wounds and emptiness in life? Are you leaping up the stairs to feed your hunger? The love of Jesus says “come” because His bread wants to be the center, the joy, the bread and sustenance of your life. (taken from the book THE STORY). This is better then fresh baked from the oven (Sorry for you that are fasting from food. 🙂 ) So use this as time to openly creatively connect with God and express. Slow Down and allow Him to Handle the Wounds.
As a result of this Lenten experience and discovery, I would love to see where God is taking you. Feel free to share either here, on my Facebook or Instagram, so others can grow from what God has given you.
We are all on this journey together.