Unless you slow down and allow God to investigate your heart to reveal your deep needs, you will function and produce, but will you really create? Will you be limited in your expression of creation and possibly life because you have not allowed God to release you from lies?
3 CommentsTag: challenges
God created wonderful gifts in each of us. How do you see your gift? Do you see other writers, different painters, creators bringing a gift to the manger that look far more developed and advanced than yours?( therefore to you more acceptable?) Has the enemy lied to you saying your gift rally has no value to anyone so why continue? Are you negating opportunities to express His heart and bless others.?
Comments closedAs she constructs a well developed story, she can take her reader to the depths of reality and freedom beyond what mere details can achieve.
Comments closedThere are situations where the lens I use is not adequate? To see the inner beauty of God’s creation, no matter what it is, I have to recognize my lack and recognize my need.
Comments closedA war battling inside and out may cause a tremendous tug on our body, soul and mind making that inquiry loom to the heights of Mt. Everest. If you cannot look anyone in the eye for fear of breaking into tears, the isolation takes the mountain and multiplies it many times the size it was before.
Comments closedPonder this : If the daily spiritual consumption you ingest is similar to a drive-thru for your favorite latte, on your way to work, are you really getting the best and deepest nourishment in your relationship with God?
Probably Not.😄
Comments closedWill this “slowing down” automatically happen if my body stops doing? Probably not. The mind can frantically race with yesterday’s events and tomorrow’s needs while the body is lying in bed.
Being reflective is making an active decision to engage in the surroundings. Going deeper than the top layer.
Comments closedVery odd question? These photos have their own unique qualities. The top ones- peaceful, calm, tranquil. The bottom ones – exciting , dangerous, vigorous. Which…
Comments closedA story can reveal the inner thoughts of a person. The one reading the story if she will takes the time to allow the words…
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