Talk about your Identity and Desires.
If we talk about your identity and desires, does your mind go to, ” I can’t. “I’m being selfish.” (especially when it comes to desires) If I say to you “let’s talk about those inner topics does your skin begin to crawl? Is the reason possibly because you feel too vulnerable, or maybe that the question is too personal? Maybe it is easier to handle it by saying it is just a waste of time to think about it. 🙁
I started this topic on Identity in my recent post . Did you take time to answer the question: “Who has the Answers for Your Desires, Your Identity? Think about this. Does what you create come out of who you are? Also, it is important to be honest with yourself as you respond. Frustrations flare up and insecurities will rise. The world puts requirements on what is accepted. So at this point, I need to know for myself that I am not walking this path alone. As I am honest in my identity, I can walk securely even in my fears.

How does this sound to you? Too good to be true? Is the Creator of the Universe seriously all that interested in our creativity? He most certainly is. God speaks into every part of our creativity, our being. When we open up our hearts to hear His voice, the natural result will be that His voice will be easier to hear.
Psalm 37:4 The Voice
4 Take great joy in the Eternal!
His gifts are coming, and they are all your heart desires!
The answer for your true desires and true identity.
Spending time with God and His vision for you will affect how you see your identity. First of all, God genuinely cares about you. He wants to spend solid, quiet time with you so slow down and talk with Him about your desires. As you actually engage in real relationship concerning your identity and desires with THE CREATOR, eventually it will affect how and what you create.

Self -Awareness (Your Identity)
A prompt in our writer’s group was for self-awareness. It recognized parts of my identity which in turn eventually is reflected in my stories and creativity. Here is the prompt for you. Set a timer Not more than two or three minutes. Don’t concentrate, don’t evaluate. Just let the thoughts come. Write 10 things you tell about yourself.
Look at your statements. What do you see? Are there more positive statements, or negative ones? Are there equal number of both? Besides, that, are you surprised at this response?
Do you know your identity?
Is this simple list a reflection your life? Can you see these parts of your identity clearly spread throughout your creativity?
As an example, here is the list I composed. Self-awareness reveals what is around you so your list may change at a different season of life.
- I am a daughter of God and He loves me.
- Technical/computer problems are hard, and beyond me.
- I love expressing beauty about the Creator.
- I want to explore a deeper intimacy with God.
- How can that desire and challenge come through my creativity.
- I am scared I won’t get it right.
- I am loved. PS. 18 :24
20-24 God made my life complete
Psalm 18 20-24 The Message (MSG)
when I placed all the pieces before him.
When I got my act together,
he gave me a fresh start.
Now I’m alert to God’s ways;
I don’t take God for granted.
Every day I review the ways he works;
I try not to miss a trick.
I feel put back together,
and I’m watching my step.
God rewrote the text of my life
when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.
Deeper Intimacy
Let’s go back to my original question as to whether a talk about your identity and desires made your skin crawl. That can be a very scary topic. Even Self awareness is hard to handle, You are not alone. As I mentioned before in I am creating space for “COMMUNITY, CREATE, AND CONTEMPLATION.” Deeper intimacy with God will be reflected in your creativity, but discovering the person you were meant to be in Jesus will bring the freedom to worship as you were created.

I am free to talk to God about who I am (my identity) and my desires because of His love for me.
Talk to God about Your Identity and Desires.
I will take another quote from Emily P. Freeman’s “THE NEXT RIGHT THING because she seems to be the one I am getting my “next right thing” of blessings to share. God is walking with you, His heart opens wide to share His Heart and Voice with you. He also loves to engage with you concerning your identity and desires. Slow down. Be Present. Emily suggested this practice in chapter 11.
Today we’ll practice stopping on purpose so that we can, as Eugene Peterson says, “be alert and attentive and receptive to what God is doing in and for us, in and for others, on the way. We wait for our souls to catch up with our bodies.”

God knows your identity and desires. When you keep saying yes, you can trust Him with the results.

Are you engaging with God as you talk about your identity and your desires? Share your journey.
[…] there a connection between how you see yourself and your creativity? Check out my last two posts, , and I’m not saying it is […]