Even though I walk through the [sunless] valley of the shadows.
This well known scripture verse concerning walking “through the shadows of death” (NASB, KJV), “through the darkest valley” (NLV, NIV), and even “[sunless] valley of the shadow of death” (Amplified), Psalm 23:4, is familiar to many. Even those who do not come in contact with the Old Testament would know this phrase because “valley of shadows” seems to be used in various writings. (Even the Star Trek: Discovery TV series grabbed it as the title for an episode. – “Through the Valley of Shadows.)
What if, during the time of quarantine, thoughts, attitudes, and ideas began to rise to the surface that are not on the pleasant side? Because of the open space, time, and lack of clutter or people, this may have been the arena for the creativity you have longed for. (This sounds like an introvert talking.)
For me though, I discovered this to be used for another purpose. With the lack of outer interactions, God chose this time period to open doors to rooms I did not know existed. 😞 When one is busy, does one stop to look in the mirror?
New Path (through the valley of shadows)
I felt shaken, uncertain, seeing uglies existing, but could be easily covered-up with activities. Was it really something I needed to deal with?
Then, in Psalm 23, I read what gives hope through the wilderness and in the dark shadows. This is the declaration of the writer:
The Lord is my shepherd
I lack nothing.
2 He lets me rest in grassy meadows;
he leads me to restful waters;
3 he keeps me alive.
He guides me in proper paths
for the sake of his good name. CEB
It was out of David’s experience of his own love and care for his sheep while he grew up, that he could write the reality of the love and care of the Good Shepherd. Each creature is loved uniquely by its shepherd. David knew this same unique love was being shown to him.
In reading Shepherd Life; The Care of Sheep and Goats, you get a picture of the love and protection David gave to his sheep. That love and protection are given to us from God. The rod and staff are used to protect us from the enemy trying to do harm. What if while walking on a path, a sheep heads to potential danger? Will the love of the shepherd allow that sheep to keep walking, maybe into a gully or hole? Possibly the shepherd will use the rod to smack the sheep to get his attention and to stay on the path. A brief moment of pain could save a life.
Is there pain on this new path?
Shortly, we will enter a “new normal” from the old “new normal.” Sounds a bit confusing doesn’t it? Throughout the state of Minnesota, those who are vaccinated can go maskless in most places. Extroverts are ecstatic as they look forward to fun times with friends with no restriction while introverts might have a different viewpoint.
As one of the introverts, I started seeing this path more as a valley of shadows than one with light. Fear of the unknown started to rise. How do I connect, or rather, reconnect with people face-to-face? Could I stay in the safe surroundings of my home having the same type of contact with the outside world I had for more than a year?
Can I see the path differently, creatively?
Sadly, this scary visual was quite alluring, as if it were a real option to me. I could continue with computer and zoom call interactions and deceive myself into feeling I was safe. Realistically, if that were my choice, I would be in a Valley of Shadows. The Good Shepherd saw I was taking a path that would lead me to something harmful. With His gentle prodding from the staff, I began to take His path.
Interesting tidbits I am learning is a post I wrote a year ago in May. Quarantine and masks became the new normal. The day was rainy. The inside life was just beginning. Oh my friends, so much has happened. I believe God is wanting us to LEARN and go forward, not to pick up where we left off when it all started.
Introverts, maybe the option for the new path is to see the light in a new manner. What if, during the past year, God opened doors (or tried to open doors) to show you deeper ways to not only connect with Him, but also respond differently through your creativity?

Walking through the valley of shadows can be a dark path, but in God’s light, there is hope. Create!

So through the valley of shadows I can rejoice, and dance. What will be the Poiema we are to share?

[…] my recent post, I wrote from the verse in Psalm 23 dealing with the valley of shadows but (always with the but) […]