Is this what you are looking for if you ask for wisdom?
This is the dictionary definition of the word wisdom. Does it come close to a need in your life?
the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise
This is a sound definition, but as creatives who reflect the Poiema of God, could there be a deeper connection to Wisdom? .
Will you get smart?
Do you feel if you have wisdom, you will have all the answers? Is this an absolute need in your life? Consider the possibility of deeper areas God wants to touch in your life, and if that is the case, will that affect the way your creativity flows?
- Is there anything you are in need of right now?
- Are you lacking something? (this is different than the first question)
- Are there fuzzy irritants rustling around in your head making it difficult to even start on a creative item?
- Would you like to have “wisdom” on how these situations can be solved?
Are you in a place in your life, and Nothing is working? 😕 The next steps of the pandemic may cause more emotional challenges, so do you engage in the new new normal? Even my state of Minnesota is exploding in a painful racial conflict, which is causing intense emotional tension. Do you feel as if you are back on the life roller coaster? You are not alone.
The Journey is Not Always Peaceful

Safely walk into the woods so you can allow yourself a time of soulful reflection and contemplation. It is in times of this sweet prayer you can ask for Wisdom.

Sadly though, the journey we daily travel will not always be sweet or peaceful. Because this is the real word, we have snowstorms in April and a world-wide pandemic that has created a new normal. . Since we create in a real world where the journey is not always clear. what is the best way to proceed?
Need of wisdom
God still has the most wonderful marvelous plan for us. The clear days are easy to walk, the paths are wide, and vision generally unhindered. Is it just the opposite on foggy days or even worse, chaotic stormy ones? Because you cannot even see what is around the bend, how do you respond? On both days it is still the same loving God reaching out to give you HIS WISDOM so you can CONTINUE TO CREATE.
This is where asking for WISDOM comes in.
As you apply the above questions to your creative needs, where can asking for wisdom come in?
- Are you in need of peace concerning an aspect of your writing?
- Are you lacking a technological answer and because of this, it affects how you see your creativity?
- Are there so many “shoulds” and comparisons running through your head making it hard to see who you are or what you want to write about?
- Would you like to have the WISDOM on how these situations and many more solved?

2-4 Don’t run from tests and hardships, brothers and sisters. As difficult as they are, you will ultimately find joy in them; if you embrace them, your faith will blossom under pressure and teach you true patience as you endure. And true patience brought on by endurance will equip you to complete the long journey and cross the finish line—mature, complete, and wanting nothing. James 1 Voice.
God’s Gifts Are His Wisdom
The last two sentences of James 1:5 are an extravagant gift from the Almighty God. He listens to our plea and not only grants what we need, but LAVISHLY gives it to us, without scolding. Do you hesitate to ask because you feel either unworthy or God does not have time for you? You are His Poiema. God will take you deeper into the life He has planned for you. Be wise and go to the source of Wisdom to meet you true needs.
After all, it is I, the Eternal One your God,
who has hold of your right hand,
Who whispers in your ear, “Don’t be afraid. I will help you.”
Isaiah 41:13 Voice
.These posts will open doors to give you WISDOM in ways to handle creating during challenging times.
Having difficulty with making choices for the “next right thing”? God gives us peace and wisdom through many venues. A good book I read and used for a study is Emily P. Freeman”s The Next Right Thing.
[…] does Wisdom come in? We talked about this in the last post, What do you want if you ask for wisdom and I gave this […]