1. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restrain

As you see the rushing river, take some space and consider life (and creativity) without boundaries? Is that real freedom?
What is real freedom?
I lay before you two very different people experiencing freedom. As creatives, use your imagination in each group. The initial benefits are exciting (like the rushing waters) but can you also see what can happens without some restraint and guided direction?
Turn to Exodus 12:31 in the Old Testament. Pharaoh tells Moses and Aaron to “get out”. Both them and the people of Israel. LEAVE! Finally after 430 years in bondage, they were suddenly no longer slaves. No masters with whips determining their next step. Now their steps were taking them to a land they had only dreamed of. They soon discovered it would take more than leaving Egypt to release them from slavery. They needed restraints and boundaries to safely lead them to the Promised Land.
This second group will be closer to home. You may remember when all of these freedoms took place in your life.
- The day you could get your driver’s license.
- The day you received your high school diploma. You could finally sleep in…….
- The day you got your first car or a job. Those were big freedoms.
- The day you started college. You lived away from home for the first time. You may even have moved out of state.
- So many freedoms!!!
Did any of these bring this mindset as well.?
Look at the rushing river rapidly cascading over the rocks heading to Lake Superior. There is a majestic beauty, even excitement, in it’s freedom.
What would happen with no boundaries or restraints? It would go where it wanted, do what it wanted, and be how it wanted. The results would be chaos.
That is life without loving boundaries. That is life with out loving restraints.
The people of Israel were physically free, but did they learn to trust in the One who gave them their freedom? Is this the freedom they really wanted or did they want to be in control of their own lives? That is a good test of real freedom. (You can read more of their challenges in Exodus starting in chapter 12:31 and keep going.)
When you were growing up, how did you walk thorough each new door of your new freedom? Was it with reckless abandonment, or with the secure acceptance that your freedoms came with restraints in grace and truth?
What is real freedom in creativity and life?

My hand reaches out and says, “Father, what is Your Heart’s Voice”? With that, freedom abounds.
Are there still risks? ABSOLUTELY! Are the lines always easy to see? ☺ Of course not. To be free in this creative process is to LIVE and CREATE as God is guiding me. As I spend time with Him, walk with Him, delight in being the daughter He created, I am finding that real freedom.

God is love. In God there is Freedom. He delights in sharing Himself with us through Jesus. His Creativity is our Freedom when we are willing to listen to His Voice and see through His Lens.

Jesus is always pouring Himself (His Love) into us.
RECEIVE God’s Heart on REAL FREEDOM and its meaning for you. Take one of the photos and contemplate God’s Heart for you. REFLECT upon the words God shares with you. Set a timer for at least 10 minutes. Be still. After the timer goes off, RESPOND to what you received. If nothing, that is ok. Take time to journal and dialogue with God. As time goes on, extend the quiet time and allow yourself to go deeper.