Thanks to Emily P. Freeman with her wonderful book and podcasts by the same name, this term “The Next Right Thing”, or “Your Next Right Thing”, is by now a somewhat common term. You may also recognize these words from the movie FROZEN 2 where a song with that title was sung by Kristin Bell (who played ANNA). Because I do not want to give any spoilers here, I will suggest you can enjoy the song in the movie. Also go this podcast where Emily talks about how the book and movie just “happened” to come out the same time. 🙂
Interesting Questions for Your Next Right Thing.
Consider how you are different from the person who started her creative walk in 2010. Not only how are you different but also what does your creative path look like now? In the surroundings of your walk are you comfortable with adventure where the path has no real clarity? Or do you flow easier on a broad road where you control a certain outcome?

Does the path look safe, inviting, adventurous, or possibly a bit dark and scary? This walkway is not terribly narrow, but can you see where it leads? As challenging as it might be, could it be the next right way for you?

Could the Next Right Thing for you be the very broad road with clear skies and beautiful surroundings? Notice there is still a bend in the road with possibly unanswered questions. Do you always take the easy path with your choices seemingly already made?
Or can there still be other ways to approach your creative path?

An icy, bitter, cold path, but the beauty demanded the Next Right Thing was for me to say YES!
Transformation expressed through your creativity.
If you have seen FROZEN 2, you may remember Olaf making a statement concerning mist and transformation. Going through TRANSFORMATION, it can absolutely feel as though mist surrounds you and you don’t know what is going on. Consider the idea that mist and transformation may be the adventurous Next Right Thing For You in 2020.
What is so important about transformation, and why would you choose to walk through dangerous situations which may change you life? In your present creative expression, you feel safe, so why EVEN CONSIDER changing a good thing? Another point could be that your present system is profitable, so if you walk a path of inner transformation, will the results cause something out of your control?
Question how you approach your creativity, your life, and be honest. Does the answer point back to you? How willing are you to go into this next year and walk into a deeper consideration concerning Who gave you this gift in the first place? I think if you actually took time to slow down, to reflect about your gifts, and be honest, you may be surprised to find a deeper way that God wants to freely flow through you.
Transformation is a life changing experience that will open a deeper relationship with God. As this relationship grows, imagine the space that will grow in His Love. As that loves grows, your flow responds to His Heart and His Voice. That cannot help but affect your creativity.
Envision a butterfly that is unwilling to leave the warmth of its cocoon. The caterpillar says yes to the natural transformation and becomes a beautiful butterfly. The same applies to the gift of life God gives to us. We may be very content in our present cocoon state, but God sees more that needs to be released. This can only happen if we are willing to say yes to His Transformation. The caterpillar cannot see the butterfly result, but needs to trust the work of the process. Are we any different? We need to trust.
Transformation is not a switch that can be flipped, but a process that takes a lifetime. It takes ongoing encouragement, effort, and support.
Oh my Friends, this sounds like a HUGE order which you may not even want to consider. I understand, but think about the fact that God is The Creator and through Jesus shared His Gifts with us. Are you experiencing the wonder and awe of those gifts in their entirety? Are you open to sharing those gifts freely with others?
Romans 11:29 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable [for He does not withdraw what He has given, nor does He change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call].
In this coming year, how can we encourage (Community) each other to good works (Create) to receive, reflect and respond to the Heart and Voice of God (Contemplate)? Bring your voice to this post, and share your thoughts for the next year. We are all on this journey together.

I think for me it is to carve out more time to create. Probably a bit more than a year ago I feel God said just paint but I am just painting in fits and starts and for requested themes and projects and demos. It’s like I need to hole up in a cabin in the woods. How do I find a balance in the many roles I have? I feel I have always struggled with balance and part if not most of that problem is with me – my FOMO. What do I say no to? What do I let go of? And my goal is to let Jesus be in the lead and I am not sure I always let him be in the lead?!!! I know though that the answer/solution will come. I need to sit at his feet and be still.
Wow. Thanks for your beautiful vulnerable response. Yes, finding the right space to BE, instead of DO is so hard. I am hoping through this site, we can develop a community of prayer and support to help each other SLOW DOWN and hear God’s Heart. You have my encouragement. Possibly taking some time for Lectio Devinas or Visio Devinas would give you intimate one on one time with Papa. Your art is beautiful. Ask God how He wants you to share His voice and heart through it. He will not let you down in His guidance. Your input is welcome here as well. We are all on this road together. 🙂
[…] butterfly reminds us that in transformation, God takes us on an adventure to become what we are meant to […]