Day Six
6 “O Israel, can I not do to you as this potter has done to his clay? As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.
Jeremiah 18:6 NLT

As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are we in God’s.

Read slowly. Put your name in the place of “Oh Israel”.
‘ OH ________, can I not do to you as this potter has done to his clay? As the clay is in the potter’s hand so are you in MY hand.’

Read the scripture again. Then close your eyes. Repeat the verse slowly one more time.

What is your first response? Be free to write it down.
Was a first thought- why would the the Creator of the Universe be so concerned, so involved with me? Why would He take the time to express that type of “hands on” relationship in my life?
Or is there a completely opposite response screaming from your gut? You want to run off that table as quickly as your legs can take you. All the rubbing, shaping, bumping to make you into some perfect, useful vessel. No thanks.
Here is a good time to Sit and RECEIVE: What is God’s Heart for you in the verse “I am the Potter. You are the Clay.”? Slow down long enough to get HIS LOVE for you on the matter. Are there ways He wants to speak to you about your art? Your Life?
REFLECT UPON: What is God sharing with you? Take at least 10 minutes (maybe more) by setting a timer. The beauty He has given us will remain the lump of clay, if we don’t put ourselves into His hands for transformation. We might DO good things with our lump of clay, without His Hands upon us. Is that enough for our true calling? True BEING of God Heart and Art comes as we allow the shaping and molding in the POTTER’S HANDS.
RESPOND TO: What did you receive? God loves you so much. It is in spending time with Him and listening to His Heart for your art and life where the two will blend together into a beautiful offering of worship. Take time to express in your own genre, the response that came in your time of reflection.
I would really like to hear what God is sharing with you. This blog and my Facebook are places for interaction, sharing and prayer. These arenas are communities to help artists of all kinds to grow and become the gifts God has in mind.

Allow God in His loving kindness and wisdom to do His good work and the necessary molding.
Thanks to Pixaby for the stock photo of Black and White Nails by StockSnap