Who is in Control as you Create?
As your words flow, your art pours out, as you create, Who is in Control? Do you ever consider offering yourself as a sacrifice of praise with your art and words? In the last post, I gave you some meat to chew on concerning creativity. ( Be Free to Worship as You were Created). But really what does that mean? What does that freedom in the creativity mean?
To be free to worship as you were created does not mean “do whatever you feel like, create whatever is flowing out.”. I know that sounds like quite the opposite. You hold the pen, type upon the keys, you mold the clay. and paint on the canvas. Why can’t you JUST CREATE?
Creating is a responsibility.
Anyone can put words out there to be read. As you take a walk through a bookstore (new or second-hand) you will discover multitudes of words on paper. So why am I writing another post “on writing and creativity?”
Actually, the desire to make “worship” and “creativity” the central theme of this site came as I was strolling through one of these stores. The draw was not so much to experience the excitement of one day seeing a title of my own creation on the shelf.
Rather, as I perused the aisles, I saw a different need. Where do creatives of all types go for spiritual renewal and encouragement? Is there a challenging voice drawing them, not only to create, but to be the POIEMA (Masterpiece) God created? We are a voice to the world. As the words come out, do we realize what we are saying and in fact how they affect others?
My words do not affect anyone. I just create.
All creatives may not consider their art to be spiritual.
This is the definition of spiritual:
: of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit
Definition of spirit:
4 : the immaterial intelligent or sentient part of a person
But what you create does affect the spirit, no matter the content. The reader takes your item in even for a short time, and it will say something to their being,
OK., so far all of this has been REALLY heavy. 🙁 But God is not an artistic downer wanting to remove the joy of creativity. Consider how He wants to bring freedom to your life and creativity.
God is THE CREATOR. Also He is the prime example of showing how to share if we are open to look and listen.
As we watch the small and large furry creation of God’s world, we know humor is part of the flow of a writer
(Photo from Google )
The delightful colors of God’s creation expresses the freedom He loves in sharing beauty. This speaks of love and romance. Whenever you connect in this, share God’s joy.
During the stark, cold, endless, gray winter you see God is reflected. God is real. God is intense! As days wear on and on with no life, how can you go forward? God is not without knowledge and understanding of pain. In addition to the beauty of nature, He knows darkness. God, absolutely gives us permission to create out of pain because Jesus experienced pain.
Are you free in your creativity or does the world and its requirements (no matter how subtle or brash) hold the leash?
To have a truly free attitude, there may be some different approaches required through your day. Unless you recognize YOUR input has a strong effect on YOUR output, why change? However, if this statement concerning effect is true for you, what would change?
Dallas Willard in THE SPIRIT OF THE DISCIPLINES speaks about living the Christian life deeper than a linear plane. As we take steps in discovering the wonder concerning our REAL LIFE, apply bringing Jesus into our creativity.
“The vitality and power of Christianity is lost when we fail to integrate our bodies in its practice by intelligent, conscious choice and steadfast intent. It is with our bodies we receive the new life that comes as we enter the Kingdom.” p,31
Dallas Willard The Spirit of The Disciplines P.31
Who is in Control of the Stories, the Art, the Photography you share?
We are not to separate our walk with Jesus from our creativity. The adventure is discovering the wonder when God is in Control. Creativity is worship. Worship is creativity. The stories released, the art, the photography shared. This is life, You are co-laboring with THE CREATOR in sharing His Heart and His Voice.
First, being free is willing to recognize who is in control. When we lay down our rights, we no longer cling to a false security blanket. Our hands and minds are free to receive God’s Tools.. Then create in the results..
I laid my plans before God many times. In fact the phrase “sacrifice of praise” is quite appropriate, but the above verse is one I can stand upon and type the words below :

Yes! His plans are good- no matter what. I felt I heard this from Him today and reading this post confirmed that – thank you.
Thank You! Yes, It is in Creating in His Freedom where we can continue to create in freedom. 🙂