Writing and Life, can it be separated?
Are your creativity, writing and life affected by how each day greets you?
Writing your story was the topic of my last post. After reading it again, think about each of your days and ask, “who is really writing your story?” Is there still that fantastic sense of awe to address each day in wonder and anticipation, or does the script seem already written, uninspired and dreary?
I live in northern Minnesota, where my surroundings can easily affect a creative mood. I wake up one morning to a brilliant sunshine dancing through hoarfrost -lit trees. The next day may bring gray, bleak skies as I look through those same trees, now empty and sad.
This, as well as the virus demanding a quarantine, adds unwanted twists and turns to each daily chapter, but Creatives, Artists, Friends, our writing and lives need not be defined by our surroundings. There comes a time, I believe, when we make choices to write our story to define our surroundings.
Do you remember that first prompting to create? You felt a connection inside with a freedom and zeal to express in your genre. You experienced a concrete need to make into reality what was vibrant in your soul. So the permission was granted, and the story began.
Colors exploded inside and out. As a child is enthusiastic about life, the same creative volcano of worship and praise erupted in a wonder you cannot deny. Life was wonderful.
Time marches on, which affects Writing and Life.
I am a giddy, enthusiastic, joy-filled, and sometimes weird senior. This was my writing and life. I had words to share concerning the fantastic relationship with my best Friend. I could not believe I was getting a YES, so I began to pen another chapter in my story, but as time went on, it was easier said than done.
My giddy, joy-filled enthusiasm started to wear thin, and sadly, I was beginning to feel more like just a “weird senior”.
I came into a world of technology and business where my insecurity started at -2 and kept going down. The cares of this world sadly grew, and its requirements seemed more real than the CREATOR of this world. The enemy hit, and hit hard.
“You cannot do this.” “You are not creative.” “You have nothing to offer.”
Although I knew expressing God’s Heart and Voice through creativity was still my desire, when considering the tools used today, the question struck: “Am I too old?” Can you point to times when your dreams and wonder of writing and life become uninspired?
In Times of Doubt for Your Writing and Life, Ask God.
Do you remember the angel in It’s a Wonderful Life? His name was Clarence, and although there was some hesitancy, he was chosen to help George in an hour of need. Clarence was plain, uncomplicated, and trusting. (“Yes, but he’s got the faith of a child-simple.” -FRANKLIN THE ANGEL). I read that again and paused. In tearful recognition, I received my answer. Simplicity and Childlike faith are a gift.
It is hard to go forward when comparing to others and getting wrapped up in the shoulds, dos and numbers. When my focus to determine a vision stares at my lack of business and technological stats,——
An Easier Way to Pen A Story.
This last year has been challenging, but in discovering what I can’t do, I’ve given myself permission to discover what I can do.
Go Forward and Create!
I can breathe, accept my limitations and not condemn or shame myself.
God, says: “TRUST ME.” Then He begins to point some ways to freedom.
- My son is a computer whiz, so when I come to words, systems, or buttons I cannot understand —no shame— I go ask him.
- In research for various creative content, I discovered it is OK to learn from other websites, social media and forums. As I learn, I can share with you.
My Part to help Pen Your Story.
My wish is to bring spiritual growth and encouragement for your creative gift and life. God has given His Word and Life to all of His Poiema to share. Discovering these freedoms will bring joy and wonder.
Receive this freedom with the wide-eyed joy of a child and pen your story.

These posts were also helpful to remind me of God’s delight in the connection between Him and me. I needed to see this again. See if they can spark something needed in you. 🙂 Talk About Your Identity and Give Yourself Permission to Sing.