The sun is slowly drifting across the sky on the first days of 2020 so I will ask you, my friends, what are your thoughts concerning your creative expression, i.e your art, your writing, your life? Take a break and think about the short time we have walked into this year. Have you analyzed what you accomplished last year through your creative journey? If so, are you using a standard to rate yourself? Consider by what means you determine your success? Are you rating by the number of likes and book sales? When you look at Instagram, do you see people following your posts in numbers larger than ever before? Contemplate how these numbers play a part as to how you value yourself. Do these numbers give you a deeper understanding that You are His Daughter, You are His Son?
Remember You are His Daughter. Remember You are His Son.
How about approaching this topic from a different point of view? The output may have reached a few levels, but what if they are not very high? What if all the hard work put into your projects, website, art pieces appears to the the world in numbers as a flop, a failure, and far less than you had hoped? Contemplate how these numbers play a part as to how you value yourself. Do these lack of numbers limit your understanding in seeing that You are His Daughter, You are His Son?
What a blessing that YOU ARE HIS DAUGHTER! That YOU ARE HIS SON!

What does this mean that YOU ARE HIS DAUGHTER, YOU ARE HIS SON?
We just celebrated Christmas, where the Son of God came to earth and shared His life with us. During Jesus’s main three years of engaging with us, He showed us how to share the gifts He was given. All through His time on earth, even through to death, Jesus first asked His Father God what to share. Then, in fullness and love, Jesus shared God’s Voice and Heart with us.
Because of the Sacrifice and Gift that Jesus gave for us, we have the opportunity to be God’s daughters and sons. As a result of that love, we have the honor of sharing HIS VOICE and HEART through our craft.
Will it always result in high ratings, book sales, and “likes” in the public? Possibly not. Will we always get it done right? That answer is definitely an absolute NO!
I discovered a great quote from Daniel Sangi which may not lean specifically to creatives, but I am going to grab it anyway. My friends, our value does not come from our success or our failures, but instead, It comes from listening to God’s heart and the calling He has on our lives.
Your failures don’t define you.
Best Leaders Learn From Failure.-Daniel Sangi
This TRUTH connects the creative energy and craft inside of you. In other words, your craft is to express His VOICE and His HEART to the world.

We are God’s Living Poiemas The adventure for the next year will go as deep and wide as you are willing to say YES when He makes a request. I am here to support your walk with prayer and encouragement. This is a site for:
- Share, Grow and Learn from each other because we are the body and each has a gift we can benefit from.
- Take part as a community through the various gifts God has blessed each of us with.
- Be honest with each other and ask for prayer.
- Be honest while you create.
- As much as fear wants to take control, you can say No to that lie.
- When fear grabs too hard, be honest and go to the community.
- As we create and share, it is a flow from THE CREATOR. We are honored to be part of His Creative Voice, or spending time with Him will give us life.
- In the quiet time, see how He names you, describes you, and loves you.
- Create out of the Heart and Art God gives you.

[…] this coming year, how can we encourage (Community) each other to good works (Create) to receive, reflect and respond to the Heart…? Bring your voice to this post, and share your thoughts for the next year. We are all on this […]